[Script][Learning]World Editor Tools II

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Language: AE

Parts Index

  1. World Editor Tools I
  2. World Editor Tools II
  3. World Editor Tools III
  4. World Editor Tools IV
  5. World Editor Tools V
  6. World Editor Tools VI


1.0 Editor Mode
1.1 Preparation
1.2 Placement Tool
1.3 Group Link Tool

1.3.1 Respawns

1.3.2 Unified Entities

1.3.3 ProxyPatrollers

1.3.4 Unique Entities

1.3.5 Inverse Unique Entities

1.3.6 Any Entity

1.3.7 Decorations

1.3.8 Patrol Points

1.3.9 Monsters And Weapons

1.3.10 Patrollers

1.3.11 Wander Points

1.3.12 Npc Wanderers

1.3.13 Riftgates

1.3.14 Dungeon Entrances

1.3.15 Devotion Shrines

1.4 Hill (Raise/Lower) Tool
1.5 Noise Tool
1.6 Smooth Tool
1.7 Plateau Tool
1.8 Raise Plateau Tool
1.9 Copy Terrain Tool
1.10 Ramp Tool
1.11 Brush Tool
1.12 No Pathing Tool
1.13 Sector Paint Tool

1.13.1 Fog/Lightning Layer

1.13.2 Name Layer

1.13.3 Sound Layer

1.13.4 Boss Layer

1.13.5 Day/Night Cycle Layer

1.13.6 Bloom Layer

1.13.7 Climate Layer

1.13.8 Damage Layer

1.13.9 Adjustment Layer

1.13.10 Level Limit Layer

1.13.11 Riftgate Disable Layer

1.13.12 View Distance Layer

1.13.13 PvP Layer

1.14 Water Tool
1.15 River Tool
1.16 Wave Tool
1.17 Zoom Tool
1.18 Undo/Redo Tool
1.19 Ingame Zoom
1.20 Ingame Camera Angle
1.21 Map Selecting Tool

1.3.4 Unique Entities

A group of the type “Unique Entities” will always only spawn one random object out of it’s group.

Adding objects to the group works as with all other groups, too: Simply create a group of the type “Unique Entities”, select it (if it isn’t already) and click the objects that you want to be part of the group.

1.3.5 Inverse Unique Entities

This is the pretty much opposide of a group of the type “Unique Entities”: It will spawn all but one random objects from it’s group which can be used for randomized barriers.

Adding objects to the group works as with all other groups, too: Simply create a group of the type “Inverse unique Entities”, select if (if is isn’t already) and click the objects that you want to be part of the group.

1.3.6 Any Entity

This works the same way as Unique Entities since it only spawns one of it’s member objects (see 1.3.4) just that it it used to create randomized rifts.

Adding objects to the group works as with all other groups, too: Simply create a group of the type “Any Entity”, select if (if is isn’t already) and click the objects that you want to be part of the group.

1.3.7 Decorations

This type of group allows grouping together decoration type objects though it’s kinda redundant since the SetPiece system pretty much takes care of that already, combined with Unified Entities type groups.

Adding objects to the group works as with all other groups, too: Simply create a group of the type “Decorations”, select if (if is isn’t already) and click the objects that you want to be part of the group.

1.3.8 Patrol Points

This type of group is used to group together patrol points.*

The row in which patrol points get grouped together in such a group sets the sequence in which connected Patrollers or ProxyPatrollers will patrol between these points.*

The sequence can be influenced in the “Current Group” window using the “Up” and “Down” button, which will move the selected entry up or down.

When linking a Patrol Points group to a group of Patrollers or ProxyPatrollers, the patrollers of that group will first walk from where they are put in the editor to the first patrol point that is part of the Patrol Points type group.

Warning: This does not apply when the Patrollers or ProxyPatrollers group is further away from the first point then 250-500 ingame measure dependant on if the player is next to either patrol point / Patrollers or ProxyPatrollers or in the middle of both (about 2-4 .lvl files next to each other) since this is the distance that the game loads in every direction from the player’s current point. Can be changed in records/game/gameengine.dbr if needed. Might require hard modding though.

1.3.9 Monsters And Weapons

This used to be an old group type which is not used anymore since there are Proxies and SetPieces instead.

1.3.10 Patrollers

This type of group does basically the same then ProxyPatrollers just for single entities that are not spawned through a proxy but directly placed in the editor. Linking to a Patrol Points type group and adding objects to this group also works the same way.

1.3.11 Wander Points

This is similar to Patrol Points type groups, just that it uses wander points instead. Also Wander Points can be used to make npcs wander, which is not implemented in the original game but functional in the editor.

Wander Points can be found in the Placement Tool in records/controllers/controlobjects/…

Grouping wander points also works the same way as grouping any type of object.

1.3.12 Npc Wanderers

This is similar to Patrollers just with npcs and needs to be linked to a Wander Points type group. Linking works the same way as ProxyPatrollers and adding npcs to the group also works as usually.

1.3.13 Riftgates

This type of group can be used to group riftgates together so that they build a network and recognize each other. If a riftgate is not part of the riftgates group it also won’t be saved in the player character save.

1.3.14 Dungeon Entrances

This can be used to put together the entrances of dungeon so that they know where to put the player when clicking them. There needs to be an entrance in the main map and in the map of the cave to group them together.

Adding entrances to this type of group works as with all other objects, too.

1.3.15 Devotion Shrines

This type of group can be used to group devotion shrines together. If a shrine is not grouped this way, it won’t be saved in the player character’s save.

Adding shrines to this type of group works as with all other objects, too.

1.4 Hill (Raise/Lower) Tool

The Hill (Raise/Lower) Tool can be used to create hills or holes like this:

The Hill (Raise/Lower) Tool can be found in the left top corner of the editor:

A window called “Brush Properties” should open on the right side of the editor that looks like this:

If you put your cursor over the map, it should turn into a circle similar to this one:

(The cross is actually in the middle of the circle, it just doesn’t look like it since the camera angle influences how it looks. If you set it to look down in an angle of 90° it will be in the middle).

The external circle’s radius is similar to the radius that is set in the Brush Properties. To influence a larger / smaller area, change it’s radius.

The strength is responsible for how high or deep a hill or hole will become.

The speed is responsible for how fast a hill will grow or how fast a hole gets deeper.

Brush Pattern and Rotate have no impact on this tool.

To apply any changes with this tool, you need to hover it over the map and hold left click down until your hill / hole or whatever else is as you want it to.

  • Hills can be created by having a radius, Strength and speed > 0.
  • Holes can be created by having a radius and strength > 0 and a speed < 0.
  • Semi-Craters can be created by having a radius and a speed > 0 as a strength < 0.
  • Inverted Semi-Craters can be created by having a radius > 0 and both strength and speed < 0.

1.5 Noise Tool

The noise tool is used to create uneven grounds by creating random bumps and looks like this:

It can be found in the left upper corner of the editor as well:

A window called “Brush Properties” will open again. It should look like this:

Applying changes with this tool works the same way as for the Hill Tool just that this tool isn’t very sensitive and really slow unless you put the speed to something like 500.

Changing the radius will change the size of the area in which the noise tool will work.

Changing the strength will change the extremity with which the ground will become uneven.

Changing the speed will influence how fast holes and hills in the ground will be created.

Brush Pattern and rotate do not apply to this tool either.

To apply any changes with this tool, you need to hover it over the map and hold left click down until your uneven ground or whatever else is as you want it to, too.

  • Uneven ground can be created by using a radius, strength and speed > 0.
  • Inverted uneven ground can be created by using a radius and strength > 0 and a speed < 0.
  • Two parallel uneven lines can be created by using a radius and speed > 0 and a strength < 0 by dragging the mouse in a line down the map while holding left click down.
  • Two inverted parallel uneven lines can be created by using a radius > 0 and a strength and speed < 0 by dragging the mouse in a line down the map while holding left click down.

1.6 Smooth Tool

The Smooth Tool is used to make edges more smooth and to make things look more natural, just like this (left with smooth, right without):

It can be found in the left top corner of the editor:

A window called “Brush Properties” should open:

Applying changes with this tool works the same way as all painttools before: Drag the mouse over the place you want to become smooth and hold left click down until it is as smooth as you want it to be. Take care, this tool is very sensitive when being used with default values.

For this tool, radius is the same as for all other tools, the strength is how hard edges will get smoothed and speed is how fast this will happen.

Changing values to negative will make the tool act in a strange way that looks like creating quaders or random uneven ground. No real purpose here.
