Seals Granted Skills

Some thoughts on granted skills of seal compos.

Seal of Blades - one of the best, almost no change needed, maybe just double the armor and pierce res for 2h weapons

Seal of Blight - should proc (chance on attack/crit) with 1-2s CD

Seal of Corruption - should proc with a 3-4s CD

Seal of Destruction - should proc with a 1-2s CD

Seal of Might - should have double stats for 2h weapons

Seal of Resonance - should have double stats for 2h weapons

Seal of Shadows - should proc with a 1s CD

Seal of Skies - should proc with a 1-2s CD

Seal of the Night - should proc with a 1s CD

Seal of Void - this is how a granted skill on compos should be if it’s not a toggle to maintain or a primary attack skill.

Seal of Ancestry - good, nothing negative to say about it

Seal of Annihilation - or this is how a granted skill on compos should be if it’s not a toggle to maintain or a primary attack skill.

Imo, from what i play, they should be usable, never seen players using them…like never…havent found a way to

actually use them myself, and been trying for a month now…but no luck…they do not compete with normal skills…far from it…and why should they be there but inactive…? what do u think ?

And like all compost should have most if not all stats on them double for 2h weapons…dual wielding wins too much from 2 compos…and its not fair.

The purpose of those active skills is to actually have an extra active skill for devotion proccing or even as main attack (some of them strong enough for that), and i’m 99.9% (to say the least) sure this is a deliberate design decision, so i can’t see the devs turning them into procs anytime soon.

I use Seal of Blight and its skill is the equal of or better than all of my skills. I also use it to trigger both on attack and devotion procs in the usual manner. It’s pretty good imo, and bound to Abomination you can really pump out some poison DoT and its critical hit boost is good also.

"Seal of Might - should have double stats for 2h weapons

Seal of Resonance - should have double stats for 2h weapons"

There have been topics about this in the past and it’s difficult to apply it to the game. this won’t happen too soon. Not that I don’t think 2h auto attack needs help

These skills most definitely should not be all procs. None default attack users need a means to use some abilities too. Seal of corruption is almost always put on my non weapon users. The ability to cast it so it spreads gives a great method for a caster to get a devotion to proc, as well as a reasonable debuff for a lot of casters. There is variety for a reason. Not all builds are the same.

Yah I love this one as well

In a game already overloaded with procs, you want to make that even worse? Yeah, no. The game already has enough procs as it is, and i’d argue it has already too many.

Some time before the expansion (around 4 months?) this topic was made to ask that component granted skills are made more usable at higher levels.

I don’t know if that thread is what prompted Crate to make the Seal skills castable or if they were already planned before then but at this point, I take the addition of skills like Stormfire and Chillspikes being stronger/more interesting versions of Fireblast/Ice Spike to be an answer to that.

On their own, they are not meant to. They fulfil 2 roles nicely - being proc spammers and pairing with cooldown-based skills to act as filler. For example, throwing out a few Stormfires inbetween Grenados or Canister Bombs.

Some builds that make use of the Seal skills are Superfluff’s Spellscourge and mammothunter’s Bloody Pox/Acid Purge Conjurer.