Seamless difficulty settings


I feel the game has already enough content to cut down on the difficulties. Having basically 3 campaigns to play through on one character is kinda annoying and I would prefer just to start on ultimate with an option to turn down difficulty without losing all campaign progress. Basically the way all modern ARPG do it now.

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You can start directly in ultimate if you want.

I think they’re aware of that but would like it to not be so difficult.

It seems that they still don’t understand the importance of the different difficulties of the game, the missions are the best way to gain experience and reputation which is essential to buy increases and equipment.

They just don’t want to play the game three times. Saying you need to do it for reputation doesn’t solve that :stuck_out_tongue:

Experience isn’t an issue, as when you start in Ultimate you very quickly gain lots of xp from both killing things and missions. My only issue with it is that it can be very tedious due to the large amount of hitpoints enemies have. I also find it a bit difficult to get any decent resists going, but I can accept that being part of the challenge. The tedious fights less so. I wouldn’t mind if it starts out a bit less tedious/easier on the lower levels and scales up more steeply to what we have now.

you mean like literally what happened in patch 1.2 ?

Maybe :sweat_smile: but it could use a bit more imho.

it’s supposed to be Ultimate, it’s not supposed to be Normal
if Vet is already a bit spongy it’s only fair Ult start is more so :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

i feel like sometimes you guys say you want X, but you really want Y, and Y often then turn out to be “please make the difficulty mode easier”/losing sight of it being supposed to be “tough noogies”/you choose this for tough :sweat_smile:
*that is to say Ult start isn’t supposed to be “for the comfort of just doing a 1x playthrough”; it’s there to smack you in the face with all the discomforts of challenge and what that toughness then confer “extra” at low levels

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Is it though? More hp doesn’t equal harder.

I don’t mind though, but there’s a difference between tough and tedious.
The toughness comes more from not having your resists covered, and while that can be annoying at times that is part of the challenge of choosing ultimate to start with.
Very long boss fights less so. Most notably Kryzog and Viloth at the start aren’t hard, but just take a long time. Viloth especially as she just performs the same three or so moves over and over and you can dodge them without too much effort. So that whole fight is just about repeating the same thing over and over and more hp doesn’t make it harder, just takes longer (and imho too long).

not directly sure, but indrectly, longer fights = more times to unleash moves or player to mess up
Kyzogg is probably the better example of the 2 there, since it’s harder to avoid stuff if you’re melee, so longer fight can be tougher by getting swarmed more

i get there is a “fine” line where things becomes too spongy and too tedious, but when you start Ult it should be expected, imo, so we should be made to suffer it, and not just have it reduced to the comfort of a 1x playthrough; it’s there to be tough first and foremost,
and things being spongy/dealing with an amount of tedium is part of that “tough noogies” to accept embarking on it voluntarily as such

Yes that one is definitely has more going for him by having more hps. On other difficulties you can just cut through the trash (his respawns), but on ultimate that can actually be tricky, so I generally try go around them. It’s so so. If that was the only one I probably wouldn’t complain.

Maybe it’s as designed, but then I don’t like that design. :stuck_out_tongue:

By the time you move on from Burrwitch it’s fine though, so it’s really only the start that’s a bit… questionable to me.

And how? I only see the regular or veteran option when I create a new character.

use a savior’s merit

To use the merit right at the start I go to the crucible to access the stash. Then go back, enter normal/veteran, use merit, go back, start ultimate/elite.

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