So I recently leveled a Vitality Cabalist got to ultimate woohoo but kind of worn out on caster’s wanting to try something that uses 1h/Shield I know I’m looking at something with Either Oathkeeper or Soldier in it I lean slightly to Oathkeeper as I like its skills more and have more experience with one but am open. What are good options I’m open to most things as I said just have a preference for Oathkeeper. I also kind of want to try Retaliation as I never have but not sure yet as I said just something melee with 1h/shield. I am curious if you can make an acid 1h/shield build though am open to suggestions for other types beyond acid.
There’s only one dmg type that’s (somewhat…) worthwhile on shields and it’s definitely not acid. You want a physical warlord.
While I do appreciate that you enjoy Warlord so much and while it is likely a very good option for sword and shield it is not the ONLY option for 1h/shield build’s nor is physical the only worthwhile damage type for shield builds. Now I am open to warlord among other’s but want to know ALL options first and see which sounds most fun.
you could try the build compendiums: Build Compendiums
Some sword and shields build that are good: Witchblade, Warlord, Commando, Death Knight, Blademaster, Warder and Tactician
Look at this if you like retal build.
I like my Witchblade but it pales compared to my SNB Warlord.
Hey! Oathkeeper using EoR, Vires, and Judgment was one of the most dynamic and engaging leveling experiences in GD for me. I start Veteran HC and lvl80 Ultimate now.
Best part is you can push it well into the 60s before choosing 2nd class so you get a feel for what direction you want to go in.
Judgement and Vires are skills that I haven’t exactly used before so may try it.
Just curious, what is better about the Warlord SNB? I have a SNB Witchblade and while he’s tanky…he doesn’t clear super quick although its decent
Judgment is an amazing leveling skill when paired with the Fleshwarped Defender. It starts to lose its potency in the later acts of Elite when most of the large mobs have too high health and are not effected by its pull and knockdown.
Vire’s Volcanic stride is usually sufficient to kill trash and it never hurts to have an additional dot on bosses.
I have level shield based Oathkeeper and it was with Aegis of Menhir as nuke+Righteous fervor as filler. You can make nice bit of damage. Judgment with Fleshwarped Defender indeed can be used. I usually put just one point in Vire for mobility and one in volcanic stride for increase chance to proc devotion.