Serious Willing to pay for a....

Lightning/Aether caster Class. Stand alone class mod (as I really like the game as is) Reason I say Lightning/Aether is so I can take advantage of Clairvoyant’s set so you won’t need to add gear if you don’t want to.
Skills that would be wanted are:
Chain Lightning
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Orbs
Possibly one of Valdaraan’s teleport skills (doesn’t have to do damage)
Lightning Storm (Similar to Squall Relic)
The passives/toggable skills you can add what ever you feel is best.

All the skills could use Lightning and/or Aether Damage.

Same :undecided:

I hope that this modding community doesn’t do what the moddrs from Torchlight 2 did, I.E creating a lot of repeated mods all around the place… One of the reason I hated the modding community there. :eek:

While I would like to have that class, too, there are actually some ways to make this happen without a new class.
For example you could make a sorcerer, use quick jacks and try to convert as much of stun jacks’ physical damage into aether damage(dual-wield weapons with aether conversion, 2 wrathstone components and reckless power skill can give a max, I think, of 71% physical converted to aether). And chain lightning/lightning bolt/etc could be added via item procs. And, ofc, devastation could be used, too(Edit: Nope, sorry, it couldn’t, because it requires a caster offhand -.-)

Hmm, maybe I should try this myself, sounds not too shabby a build :wink:

Yeah I have made many builds using the lightning procs, but procs aren’t the same as having self casted skills :slight_smile:

When you have enough procs they proc each other :stuck_out_tongue: It’s almost like casting, at least you have to cast the very first attack that will trigger the others!

I cant see much of your mods over here. How can you hate modding community while you are not doing anything by yourself? Mooding tools are so easy that even a disabled person can create a decent mod…
If you dont want us to follow the same curve bring here something new and awesome.

all right lets get this post back on track…

100$ for a decently balanced Lightning/Aether caster Class stand alone Mod. (See first post)

Will send it to you via paypal.

Did I read this right? “Seriously willing to pay”?

<fires up modding tools>

(Jokes aside, considering your last post I’m not interested, sorry. The effort it would require to decently balance such a class around the masses of existing Items and Devotion would take so much time it’s hardly worth my pay. Now, not to say that a hundred bucks on the side should be discarded so easily, I just am hardly interested in such a class myself.)

yeah unfortunately it seems most people who are modding only seem to like Pet Classes and tweaking the game mechanics. Eventually I’ll just give up but would be really nice to play my favorite game using my favorite skills.

I must be even worst off then I thought PrincessLuna as I was absolutely lost when looking at the Modding Tools. Oh well I’m still pretty good at pumping gas into my car, so I always have that to fall back on :slight_smile:

Personally not a fan of pet classes, it’s just not my style. And Ceno, if I am still up to date on the matter, announced exactly what I am interested in after a poll - a class focusing around movement (the Planeswalker). So there’s not much of an incentive for me to start modding classes at the moment. Most of what I’d want to accomplish is sadly nearly impossible either way. :confused:

I can see such a class as you described it happening easily though. Just the balancing would be tough; I’m not an expert on that matter, myself.

Stun Jacks would be a self casted skill in the build I suggested^^. Think I’m gonna try it out myself, but ofc it wouldn’t be a cookie-cutter build because damage wouldn’t be that great, and energy-reg would be a big issue without a focus and spamming quick jacks :wink: I’ll see how it pans out…

Quick Jacks does actually really solid damage, especially if you are able to stay in melee range.

I love Quick Jacks, but Chain Lightning is single handedly the greatest skill ever invented in my humble opinion. So far I have only found 1 modder who made the skill, unfortunately he also changed the game mechanics :frowning:

Just because I don’t create my own mods, it doesn’t mean I have to swallow every crappy mod any modding community brings to the table and I’m not saying any mods here are crap, BTW I SURE AS HELL, will give my opinions about these mods, be it to praise them, be it to
criticize them so go get butthurt somewhere else…

When I finish the Elementalist mastery for Zenith (which will be soon; only has a few more skills remaining) I will port it over to a separate mod that only has that mastery along with the base 6 masteries of Grim Dawn. It doesn’t feature Aether Damage, though…

It is never too late to start doing it. Just try making one, it is not that hard to MAKE it. Balancing is another issue… But still you have a Modding Tutorial for making a mastery and you dont even need to script anything. Why not to try?

Yeah, I know, I already made a pure lightning version(converting phys. into lightn. as much as possible) and a chaos version(using blood rite for lightning -> chaos and items with conversion/consecrated blade for physical -> chaos), and both are pretty viable. But with splitting itemization between lightning and aether, and not being able to convert 100% physical into aether(only for a short time with the proc of Mindwarp, which I think would be a perfect weapon for the build), I doubt the damage will be very good…gonna try it nevertheless :slight_smile: Mindwarp(because of the conversion proc) and Progenitor(an actual lightning + aether proc!!) would be a perfect weapon setup for it, I think…

I don’t have much time right now to create a mod. I would cetainly love to create my own mastery, but chances are that I wouldn’t be able to finish it or balance it properly, because real life is taking all of my free time away :undecided:

check out Grim Legion. Shaman replaced Savagery to Chain Lightning. It’s spammable as well. But that’s about it. I don’t know any lightning/aether skills in that mod.

While I wouldn’t agree with all your skill ideas, a combination of lightning and aether brought me to some idea for a mastery.

No promises though.

But if this is going to happen, only for free.

Not everyone is willing to start from scratch. But you always can start and if something goes wrong - just leave a source so someone else will be leading the project.

And no one will be pushing you forward, you may start doing it slowly, skill by skill :stuck_out_tongue: