Shadow Strike nerfworthy again?

Nothing in GD is a must. Each player has their own preference.

I’m just saying that I’d probably get bored of GD when these changes (both buffs/nerfs) stop coming

True. Balancing was nicely done. But it must stop or at least become smaller and smaller. My poor storm boss!

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Of course, eventually there will be a point where Crate finish updating the game and move on. That’ll be when certain modders like adoomgod/Ceno come in and begin building on what they’ve left behind with their own ideas.

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We don’t have to agree with everything Z does. Nerf to SBoE was definitely one of the msot baffling changes I’ve seen in the game.

Meanwhile I am still mad at the Mythical Will of Bysmiel nerf. The +1 Birb not only got moved to a 4 piece set, but also became FG only while M.WoB was AoM.

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we might be going off-tangent here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Apologies to @xervous for being part of the problem

Yup, if you don’t like/understand a change just say, “Hey! WTF Bro?! Explain thyself!”. He’s human, he makes mistakes… maybe something made sense to him at the time, maybe you just need to see his angle on it, maybe he just fucked up.

Speak up and if it was a bad call it’ll probably get sorted out.

I made a meme about it which voiced it pretty well.

Too bad medea yoinked it out of the meme thread when i started getting salty.

it’s like…go sit in that time-out corner forever spanks.

It was one of my best memes too


lol… that was pretty funny. Didn’t know she pulled it. Maybe because it sorta implies 1.1.5 is bad altogether? (which it definitely isn’t)

On the topic of Morg pieces’ lightning conversion we’ve seen Druids of all things making use of it for some spectacular results (admittedly the gloves are just one piece among many that introduced lightning -> cold in @ya1 when you suggest moving lightning conversion to a shaman skill mod are you talking about one innate to the gloves or somewhere deeper in set completion bonus?

Additionally: conversion on gargoyle belt. Worth approx 150/s frostburn with max nightfall. One thing to consider is that SS had been previously balanced around not being able to max out most of its nodes without considerable trade offs or hard to obtain greens. If we’re looking at Morg set how much of its power is coming from the degree to which it pushes the whole SS skill line towards max overcaps? I’m asking this because the gargoyle belt was not anywhere near an item of concern prior to and it’s only on 22/12 nightfall that it is producing the above mentioned 150/s frostburn.

However, not constructive criticism.

I don’t think the problem of SS’ OPness lies with NF, though I am no SS expert.

What I think the issue is is the fact that morgo set reduces SS’ CDR which allows for double lox.

Spamming SS in turn allows you to abuse NJE’s massive crit damage for big ass DoT ticks.

I’ve theorycrafted an morgo breaker with SS down to a 0.8s CD, which should be really good, just haven’t gtten around to testing it.

@xervous: To expound on this, assuming you chose not to use morgo, you would need ~35 - 38% CDR to bring SS down to a 0.85s CD

With morgo, ~25% is needed.

Which was why it was in the meme corner, and not the ideas/feedback section

Yeah, I made beginners guide with Totems and Box but after the nerf according to the feedback isn’t worth past 1 point…

Also it’s the same story with Empowered Essence of Beronath, it hurts poor builds and few Purifiers. Trickster for example can easily replace it with cold amulet, other builds can have conduit or Peerless eye.

As for SS, people still haven’t learned to separate base skill power vs set or items mods. That leads very often to pressure to Zantai to nerf specific skill. And that means collateral damage to weaker class options. So I’d rather take a look on how cold with Morgoneth and especially Log daggers performs, before changing Shadow strike skill line…

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memes aren’t supposed to be constructive medea :smile: We gotta get you up-to-date one of these years.

Don’t you people own a phone? (there’s a meme just for you medea :scorv:) I already know the answer to that one tho :smile:

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@sir_spanksalot NJE and nights embrace do not apply to nightfall

I don’t recall seeing any comparisons of low end lox vs legendary setups, though even soulrend is making a showing. The 20-30s differences coming off the ideal loxblades are riding on an extra 200-300% cold/frostburn per lox on top of some flat damage and AS. An average loxblade may be a +50/100% cold and lack the flat and/or AS, though the bonuses are considerably potent. Going in that direction we have to ask ourselves and Zantai what does it take to make a green nerfworthy.

While it may not be the best example my memory jumps back to Krieg set nerfs (how we could laugh about them now) targeting the necromancer skill bonuses. The skills remained mostly untouched, but the bonuses to them got reduced on the set so it wasn’t giving everything in absence of hard to get items.

I think I’m not being clear.

NF = trash clear ; NJE + SS = single target DPS.

You need both to do sub 5:30 runs.

Being able to spam SS on a nem like kuba with DW SS (which essentially doubles your chances of landing a crit because both weapons can crit) not only does massive damage instantly, but also applies huge DoT from NJE.

When you throw in ABB, RoS, and amatok’s breath into the mix, you’ll essentially have a 0s SS build.

You then go bouncing around the various nems to evenly apply NJE’s dot on everyone

I’ve yet to fathom any reason for memes to even exist so good luck with that. :upside_down_face:

Just like you haven’t fathomed any reason for a cellphone to exist either :smile:

You are one of the few people on the planet who could have attended Blizzcon 2018 and unironically stared at him and said, “No, actually I don’t have a phone. Unless you mean the one I got at home.”

The majority of Cruci builds do that now. You can’t keep adding new powerful items to the game with new conversions and expect the bar to stay the same. At this point it’s just easier to buff the safer Cruci waves to push the timer back.

On the topic, SS requires heavy investments in a very skill-hungry mastery. The returns from the skill itself are adequate. The problem lies within skill modifiers on the items. The new set has big +skill bonuses to SS line and huge dmg returns from the modifiers for free.

If you nerf the skill itself you’ll end up with SS being viable on 3 SS-focused sets. The target for possible nerfs should be gear only.

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Thank you for clarifying.

3.5s base SS
Up to 1.8s remover by NJE. Prior to it has been near impossible to get 22/12 NJE on a cold SS build without making sizable tradeoffs. The addition of 2 NJE to loxblades struck me as a little daring but it is an MI after all and needs/needed to compete with chillstrife. Though lox isn’t mandatory to hit 22/1, it costs you off-type boots to reach the 22/12

Now at 1.7s (1.5-1.3 lox)

Morg supplies 0.2 , 1.5 (1.3-1.1)

If we get a better picture of how much loxblades are contributing in absence of silly affixes tacking on 200-400% more cold I expect things would clear up on how much of a contribution loxblades are in the mix.

@banana_peel agreed on looking at items instead of the base skill. Acid SS is still anemic as of this post.