Shaman advice

I have never been able to defeat Grim Dawn on the Elite level. I have a level 34 Shaman who appears to be the most powerful character I have ever had. He uses a two-handed melee weapon. Can you suggest a second build that is most likely to achieve my goal of beating the Elite level? Thank you.

Everything can “beat” elite, if you make sure to get good resistances, focus on few damage types and skills and appropriate devotions.

Shaman and soldier go well together if youre doing 2 handed. My second build ever was a 2 handed shaman/soldier (warder). Even as a complete noob i was able to reach ultimate with it, but this was back before ashes of malmouth and forgotten gods released and the game was a little different at that time. But warders are still fun builds, so you could try picking soldier and see how that goes

Best advice I can give you is to watch some YouTube videos by decent streamers like RektByProtoss, you’ll be level 100 in no time and whupping Ultimate. His tutorials are fun to watch and very effective, I’ve followed several. He does a whole episode on speed-levelling Shamans including which secondary class to pick.

Are you asking about a “second mastery”? Like what you could combine it with? You did write “second build”

If you wanna continue with 2H melee I’d say elementalist (shaman + demo), vindicator (shaman + inquisitor), conjurer (Shaman + Occultist) or even druid (shaman + arcanist) is better than Warder (Shaman + soldier)

Nevertheless, warder is still recommended by many (no idea why) and I made a beginner guide for it here ☄ Collection of malawiglenn's Beginner Friendly builds it is not completely up to date but is still 95% relevant to you.

Good luck

^ Mebbe it’s a hangover from the days of insane Warder retaliation builds, or the general tankiness of soldier + ‘X’. If you are fairly new it’s a pretty easy to understand and gear combo.

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It’s better to lvl up before moving up difficulties on your first char. Lvl 34 is too early. Finish up the content on normal first, get your resistances up, max your main skills, etc.

Exactly, 2h retaliation warder is extremely straightforward and simple to gear for while still kicking massive amounts of ass throughout the MC, but it should be noted, that at the time i had that experience, it was just the base game content that was available. So, of course, youll want to reconsider my suggestion as now there are other regions in the game world with content that may not be so simple to smash through with a 2h retal warder. Or, maybe im wrong, maybe 2h retal warders can still crush it. I havent touched that build since that time period.

I WILL say that HP regen is fun as shit to play with, and Warders get a ton of it.

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Not to mention with 5k hp regen you can afk in those damaging pool on Vanguard of the three

Yeah, and when you get to Bonebleach Basin, you wont have to worry as much as others.

But dont take that the wrong way either, HP Regen on its own isnt enough to make you invincible or unkillable… BUT. But. I will say this- its enough to make a lot of the content safer, and in my experiences as a noob, it was the most fun stat/mechanic to prioritize because it allowed me to not die long enough to learn about all the other game mechanics.

So id say, as a new player, a 2h warder with focus on HP regen, with decent gear and resistances, should be able to live through elite for sure, and learn about many of the game mechanics that may have been making the game too hard for them.

Whats up @Vicente

I just saw this build by @AlexGoldFish_322 posted and thought of you.

This is a great example of a 2h Warder (Shaman/Soldier) thats based on HP Regen and is totally endgame viable! You can use it as a guide to follow, if you decide to choose Soldier as the second class for your level 34 Shaman, if you feel thats what you want to do.

Thank you. It looks like good advice.