Shattered Realm will only be optimal for farming the new augments and a set?

(at 39:43)

Let’s discuss. What do you think?

Here are my thoughts. On the surface… this seems odd to me. The endless dungeon is not for farming the best gear? yes, the set exclusive to Shattered Realm is probably the best for some builds, as are the exclusive augments, but if you’re targeting general legendaries that aren’t specific to a zone/dungeon, Rogue-like dungeons are the best place to go because you get guaranteed awesome loot.

Now, this is what I gathered from the stream. If I’m missing something that wasn’t explicitly said, like “well, if you delve enough in Shattered Realm, efficiently enough, you’ll get more legendaries”, that’d be nice to know. That may have been implied but not specifically stated, as there will be 1 set you’d only be able to get through the Rogue-like dungeons, which might serve enough purpose for that section of the end-game.

I think this is a good thing that it’s not all the best loot there, though I do believe the loot increases as you go further in (which is a gamble as if you die you lose it) . Nothing worse than being funnelled into one single mode/run to farm loot (cough greater rifts cough). Much better to have different options: Shattered Realm, story mode bosses & nemesis, Crucible, challenge/rogue-like dungeons. Keep that variety.

It was stated many times that you get more loot then just the set, based on how fast you clear each area in SR

I completely agree about the usefulness of variety. Reaper of Souls got boring for me after 2 weeks, and I don’t think an ARPG’s end game which is designed for replayability should so quickly resort to offering not much more than just rolling dice in the form of running the same randomized dungeons. hoping to get whatever better gear. It just seems to me like Shattered Realm would be the intuitive choice for the best mode to play to farm legendaries, because of its variety.

Do you really lose the loot value you’ve acquired by dying in the Shattered Realm? I thought you can die and still continue.

I remember that about better progress being rewarded. I didn’t mean that I think nothing else drops other than the set and augments. But in Zantai’s answer he mentions Rogue-like dungeons as giving “the guaranteed drops”, and Shattered Realm as having an exclusive set and augments, in response to them designing what each mode is best for, so I assume that means SR is generally not the go-to for just farming legendaries. Maybe I don’t know exactly what he meant by “the guaranteed drops”, which I understand as a lot of high quality loot at the end guaranteed.

Zantai just basically gave the game a more balanced run through, so you have more incentive to do every dungeon, and do shattering rift as well. But overall you can get more loot in sr. Which makes me question how useful crucible will be outside of leveling devotion points up with new builds.

What about the “guaranteed drops” remark attributed to roguelikes then?

You get one guaranteed random legendary from end chest in roguelike. Was implemented quite some time ago already.

It’s too early to tell if SR will be the go to place to farm or not. High end players will migrate to SR but because it’s the next challenging thing rather than because it’s more efficient for loot.

Hmm, if that’s what he meant by guaranteed drops, then I guess it’s reasonable to assume SR might be the most rewarding end game mode. I hope that’s the case.

High end players migrate to whatever is most efficient for loot. Perhaps some check out what’s most challenging, but ultimately migrate to farming what’s most efficient. Not only high end players, too.

If SR scales the most, then maybe it’s also the most rewarding mode. But efficiency is obviously another important factor. If it’s effectively better to just do roguelikes or crucible, then that’s what people will do.

I don’t think it’s too early to tell if it’ll be the go to place to farm, seeing as they told, to a certain extent, just not that specifically about legendaries. Guess I should ask the question more specifically next stream, or if there’s a dev reading this: feel free to chime in. I highly doubt they’re this far into development without having decided which mode to make the best for farming legendaries. And it just makes sense to make it the mode with the most variation, right?

“The guaranteed drop” means 1 random legendary item that you will get if you complete the dungeon. You can get 0 legendary items from the dungeon but if you complete it (kill the final boss) you will get 1 legendary item no matter what. Thats it.

P.S. I forgot to refresh the thread

I’d leave this for the players in question to comment. My argument that many play 150-170 while it’s largely considered to be not worth it for loot as opposed to typical 100-150-130-150.
If I had most of the legendaries I’d personally be target-farming MIs in campaign (which will become more efficient in FG, see GM #143) and use the most challenging content to test builds.

And that’s what I meant by too early to tell. SR might scale high and so is it’s loot, the question is if each given build can reach the point when loot in SR becomes better than cruci in the same time.

Wrong, because crucible is a standalone DLC which shouldn’t be made 100% obsolete.

Why would Crate (or any company) in a game that offers a ranges of places to farm, suddenly try to make one mode the best single place for farming as this detracts from the rest of the game. :undecided:

If you’re in the business of farming legendaries, non exclusive to a mode, graduating from Crucible farming to Shattered Realm farming isn’t the same thing as Crucible being 100% obsolete. There could be a difficult/interesting balance to be made there… I think it could be interesting to make it so part of the end game is optimal in Crucible, and then you move to Shattered Realm. But even if Crucible remains just the best place to level, it’s still got a point. Arguably not enough, tho.

Creating 1 place to farm non exclusive legendaries from a certain point in the end game, optimally, isn’t detracting from the rest of the game. Like you said, they offer ranges of places to farm, and you can look at farming non exclusives legendaries as one more. I’m not talking about making every possible item have the highest drop rate in Shattered Realm.

Furthermore, intentionally not designing one mode to be the best for farming non exclusive legendaries would result in unintentionally designing a random mode to be the best, and it might not be the correct one if another is more suitable, like Shattered Realm seems to be for its varied nature.