Shattered Realms Crashes Game Periodically (Xbox Version

I’ve finally started playing with the Shattered Realms, and I’ve experienced the game crashing for the first time since I started playing this game. The first warning sign of the game becoming unstable is when the in game text becomes garbled which I posted this specific bug report the other day.

If I continue to play on while the text becomes garbled, there’s a chance (about 33% of the time in my limited experience so far) that the game will crash and send me back to the main screen. I’ll have lost all progress I made in that SR run as well as the waystone that I used.

Unfortunately until this game instability is addressed, I’m going to have to change the way I run SRs. Instead of doing 15 levels of SRs before quitting, I’m going to have to limit myself to 5 levels at a time before quitting in order to preserve the progress I’ve made.