[shield melee] Beginner's pre-Krieg Death Knight

I don’t know about Defiler but I’ve got no problem with Saboteur. :rolleyes:
In fact, my current roadmap is Blademaster -> Dervish -> DK update (sigh) -> Trickster or Sabo -> Sabo or Trickster -> Infiltrator :eek:

Is saboteur “viable” after the N&O nerfs? Looking forward to that one I must say, I have never managed to get a saboteur up and running

Define “viable” :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve seen one O&N sabo that could do SR65 at least, less than a month ago. But it isn’t posted anywhere though. If you’re curious you can try asking Valinov about it, since it’s his build.

My Sabo build,that I posted can do Crucible 3x runs in same buff duration and Valinov posted a setup in my thread,that can do SR65 and even above.I honestly don’t think Sabo is that bad.For Cold added RR to termite mines is some buff,but Mageslayer amulet was sadly nerfed.

True, the new termite mines might come in very handy for sabos

Anyone having trouble making the switch to Cadence? I just switched as the guide proposes and not only is the damage barely higher than forcewave on single target, because I have to facetank more to be in range, I feel incredibly squishy. I’m currently level 60 and using (what I thought was) a very decent axe and all around gear, should it feel like this or am I doing something very wrong?

No, it’s a common complaint about my guide. Switching from Forcewave to Cadence is a pretty bad experience.

I’m not a clairvoyant to guess what exactly is your build’s weak point, but most of that comes from people misunderstanding one thing about shield builds - they don’t miraculously make you tanky just by equipping a shield. What makes you tanky is chaining Overguard and Warcry. Also since it’s a melee build it inherently needs a higher attention to defenses, while with Forcewave one can ignore defenses to a certain degree and compensate it with just bursting through and proper positioning.

There are basically two solutions - go back to Forcewave or try to adjust.
But since you say you’re level 60 it is unlikely you’ve got Oleron’s proc (Blind Fury) already, so that’s why your AoE is sub-par in Cadence build. That’s why I’d rather recommend you to switch back to Forcewave.

In short, I fucked up, sorry.

It’s probably me not having enough gear/devotion points to do it just yet. I’ll wait for oleron and then maybe give it another shot, thank you for the amazing guide!

Can I get some advice on switching to an Aether weapon? I have been using a M Bonesnap Gavel for several weeks now with no luck dropping a Mindwarp.

My best Aether weapon (I think) is a Theodin with 56 AD, 327% AD, and another with 31 AD, 395% AD.

I don’t mind switching even if it is on par with the current Physical gear.

PS. I have the Krieg set.


If you don’t have Mythical Mindwarp then either Theodin’s as you already guessed or try to make a 2H setup with Mythical Soulsplitter. I haven’t tried any of these setups, so that’s just a fair guess.

It’s good if you have good rolled Teo weapon,from legendary I will go with Edge of sanity for backup option-Attack speed,RR proc,some OA.

I have both Soulsplitter and Edge (though I heard Edge is a bad weapon). I also have the Decree of Five.

How to choose between Oleron’s Rage and Menhir’s Bulwark? :eek:

Menhir’s Bulwark is best for taking on harder content. I wanted to squeeze as much facetankiness as possible out of faction gear, so that was my choice. If your goal is to speedfarm some content you could do regardless, then I’d go with Oleron.

Hey there! i’m new to this game and i’ve stumbled across your build and so far its going great!

I’ve just hit level 19 and somehow i’m missing a skill point? i did the Kasparov’s Experiment quest for a bonus skill point aswell. From following your 1-19 skill point distribution part of your guide i don’t have a point to put into blitz somehow i’m not level 25 soldier level aswell? I’m not sure how i’ve screwed this up lol


I checked the list and confirmed that it is correct. My fair guess you put 12 into Rending Force, while going the sugeested path it’ll be 11.

Thanks for replying and yes i somehow messed that up lol but it’s all good now!

I was wondered for the loot filter what should i have enabled weapon wise? i’m currently level 23 and i’ve got for type just 2h melee and for damage i’ve got physical / pierce / vitality / bleed.

Do i need to start looking for a 1h and shield soon as in your guide when i reach the 30-49 bracket i can switch over to Cadence and see how that feels.

Sorry for all the questions!

Hello again.
My current opinion on the switch is either as soon as level 30 or way past 90.

Thing is, switching from Forcewave to Cadence was a shock for many who followed this guide, because it’s going to be a drop in both DPS and AoE. So either take that hit early and adapt, or take that hit later when items I intended players to use will become available. Ignore my suggestion to switch by 65 in the guide.

So… just wanted to confirm. The build is upto date, right? Or are there any changes, given the recent patches and stuff?

I was thinking of providing a link to this as the beginner/budget version for my pet DK :smiley:

No, but will be up to date by the end of the week.

Feel free to include the link anytime.