[shield melee] Beginner's pre-Krieg Death Knight

yeah the passive shield bonus is actually quite nice and compensates the lack of AS on the actual gloves. If my gloves are better, it is still marginal.

I’m following the build but I feel squishy as hell. Granted I’m only lvl 27 rocking whatever gear that drops whilst progressing the game, but I thought a DK would be sturdier. Got no problem on Veteran, but I need to kite things to death that aren’t just normal trash mobs. But perhaps this is how it should be?

No, it isn’t. Chances are high that you did a typical newbie mistake of being too attached to bonuses on items and as a result not upgrading your gear pieces to ones with higher armor in a timely manner. If I’m wrong then it would help if you uploaded your build to grimtools and posted it here.

Dropped that Mindwarp weapon in my first like 10 legendaries. Should i use that from level 75 on? Or would it be only “good” after transitioning to the complete aether build after i got krieg etc?

Leveling with 2h from 55 to 65 felt kinda slow and frustrating cadence isn’t opop either yet but decently enough i guess :slight_smile: thx for the build and efford kind sir.

THX in advance and have a nice day

You got normal Mindwarp whence you’d need a mythical one later in the game. :slight_smile:
No, I don’t think Mindwarp is worth it without Krieg set. But ofcourse you may give it a try.

Cadence being OP is a myth from old times :wink:

I just got the blueprint for the Warborn visor!

I also realized I can make this one https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/9249 perhaps I can make use of it since I am going with the gladiator belt?

Current status of my DK (again, trying to get decent resists for Elite/Challenger) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/vNQzgAl2 and I do not have enough components to make another seal of might or runebound topaz yet

EDIT: just realized the regular Warborn visor will not be that benefitial since it is not mythical and can’t provide set bonuses to the pieces I already have

Try it I guess. At least it makes more sense than your earlier Gildor affair. In the end it’s weighting +3 to DM against converted flat vitality. Can’t check at the moment cuz on the phone.

Ah yeah that was a stupid affair on par with some of my old girlfriends :smiley:

I checked in GrimTools (with all buffs) with Azragor I loose about 100 weapon damage (from 13700-19100) so no big deal, I gain 4% physical resist, 2 levels on Mehir will (one of my circut breaks). 4% more life leech (from 6% to 10%), 22 OA and about 170 armor rating. I do loose available energy from the Azragorian tactics which means I have to be even more cautious in drinking energy potions.

I don’t think I will use the Azragor armor, since I am looking for the (Mythical) Warborn set anyway so it will just be a temporary solution.

Died on wave 149 on challenger, had the life and damage buff on.

I sometimes get energy issues, which means I can’t cast overguard or MoT. Any tips regarding that? (apart from using the blessing that provides energy regen and reduced energy cost) I have to take an energy flask every second wave and sometimes I get energy drained meanwhile the energy flask is on cooldown :stuck_out_tongue:

I am also strongly contemplating switching Olerons skill to Menhir, I had to kite a few times and kiting means dps loss :wink:

I use Arcane Spark for some energy leech and call it a day.

I’ve completed challenger with Menhir’s on the previous video btw, and my buffs were Ulo and Amatok IIRC. Extra hp won’t make much difference but overcapped resistances from Ulo would protect you from RR which is what killed you.

I just put arcance spark in the amulet for my Forcewaver and it made a huge difference so I should probably do the same here.

Yeah, I just watched the vid again. I’ll try Menhir and Ulo + Amatok just need to grind some more tributes so I can try again.

I recently got this game from the summer sale and I’ve got a few toons. I’m trying out this guide to help me possibly go farther, but I’m curious as to why specifically Death Knight guides seem to go for 1h+Shield over a 2h. Is that the only real way to make it work or is it possible to do a 2h Death Knight?

It is very possible, however, 2h or dual-wield builds in general require better gear, with shield despite slower kill times you are relatively safe even with beginner’s gear. And soldier based builds excel in snoozefest shield builds cuz of the passive and overguard.

what I did as my first build was a vitality based Death Knight. I got a big two-hander with lots of physical -> vitality convertion, flat vitality damage and used haunted steel component. That allowed me to use wendigo, bat and scales devotions efficient and together with loads of “life steal” and other stuff that could proc from his gear (life stealer nova and stuff) the DK managed to stay alive pretty well… as long as he was attacking :slight_smile:

So it is possible to go with 2H from the start

I recently switched my Death Knight to this at level 65 in Act 6 Veteran in Hardcore. Up to this point I’ve been leveling with S+B Bone Harvest (modeled after the Blood Knight build).

What are other folks doing for sustain? After switching I’m afraid to play the character because I feel way less tanky – only 3% ADCtH. Even the final build only has 13% with Overguard active. My health bar goes down super slowly but the issue is it never goes back up.

A few points in Reaping Strike can do the trick.

Aaaalmost there! Just need a few more blueprints so I can craft a better Relic :stuck_out_tongue: (and yes, change belt component)


I was wondering about the Overguard Transmuter Markovian defense. Since I have so many skill modifiers to Overguard that provides more damage that it might be beneficial to use the transmuter to have higher uptime but “less” damage?

Also run speed is pretty bad, any ideas how to buff it up?

Hi, i’m new to this game and loving it and this guide! Thx for doing it!
Btw at acts 3/4 of elite i started dieing and after reaching 65 i bought the 3 faction items and switched to cadence…and i’m dieing more :rolleyes:
Probably my fault, im a bit lost about what items afixxes or stats look for while leveling, should i try to focus on capping resistances first?
Any tips appreciated…Thx in advance!

can you upload grimtool link?

Sorry for the delay, needed 2 more posts :smiley: