What I felt like at first finally having this build cooked*
Short intro
The build was born long ago, came through different stages of existence in my play. And now with GD shaped itself in the best ever game form on the dawn of the new DLC, I feel like it is worth to post this little custom setup, 'cause I truly believe there are much more people having attraction to bombs gameplay than myself only.
The purples are best-in-slot, I believe with not many alternatives it is to achieve performance better than it is atm. However, several points are to be admitted:
Aldanar offhand is an absolute for custom builds. The impressive lump of raw stats, CC res, Ascension CDR and global CDR proc are the things that make it p4p champion there.
Until Aldanar obtained feel free to use any +all skills/mastery skills. The build is extremely points hungry.
You want as much res, OA and % damage from the greens there as possible. There is one important thing - any CDR prefix on Kaisan amy.
Classic rotation caster gameplay. The build is sturdy enough to encounter no difficulties in SR 'till 35-36. Rush in the crowd with movement rune, disengage with Vire’s Might to have Dryad’s procs constant. In boss rooms feel free to fight with 2-4 bosses at once, the defensive margin is on the point for it (the build survives IM’s blits in SR36 and Grava’s double sweep while sundered). However, the build doesn’t have burst heals, so be cautious with this type of damage in more than 2 bosses simultaneously.
I like it!
The only thing I would personally change, is taking ~8 points out of Divine Mandate and putting them into Flame Touched.
The only thing lost would be some crit damage, but you’d gain ~100 OA so you’d crit more reliably and see more orange crits.
When I saw this guide I was like who is this guy stealing my builds! But then when I saw your name and realised I actually “stole” this build from you (you posted it in our Discord looong ago before regen meta). I like your chest choice and armor focus and hard capped Improved Casing. Personally I went in a bit of different direction skipping High Impact and Shattering Blast in favour of raw power from Flame Touched. Also went different direction in devotions.
But either way it’s a very potent build, gratz on posting it.
I think you can do couple of things that will be immediate improvements here:
adding second Silvercore Bolts instead of Flint (just 15% less damage but much more value overall)
taking “Arsonist’s” prefix on the amulet to hard cap UC (actually it’s more common than “Interrogator’s”)
IF you would play SSF and had the ulzuin set would you prefere the custom setup or go with the fullset? seems to play more or less the same / are similiar skillsetups
You are welcome to play full Ulzuin Sorc. Its pretty decent and, for sure, very smooth to play
It has never been meh. Merely the set is a bit outdated considering the unfathomable amount of changes that happened since the set was anyhow touched last time
Bonus build for those who cant satiate their pyromaniac tendencies with but one build. Died once due to personal stubbornness trying facetank Valdaran’s shotgun at point blank range.