Shouldn't this section have sub-sections?

Hello Grimmers, I was lurking this section to see if anyone tried to do a mod that changes a few things in the game, like the spawns or stuff, and I was wondering this: shouldn’t this Modding Section have specific sub-sections?

Something like:

  • Modding
    — Released Mods (from open beta to full release)
    — WIP Mods (only alpha and beta mods)
    — Tutorials and Questions
    — Looking for Help (for recruiting artists, programmers, testers and stuff)

I think this section, as it is right now, is kinda a mess and there is a chance that a mod’s release get overlooked by tons of topics with questions about how to do this or that.

Said so, if you like this proposal just show your support and bump this so the GD’s staff may decide to considerate it :slight_smile:

Yup, definitely needs subsections.

However, recruiting is not necessary imo. What is necessary:

Released mods: and then a bunch of sub sub sections
Skin Mods
Quest Mods
Balance Mods
Mastery Mods
World Mods
Total Conversions

WIP mods

Would be the only place with posts, except 2 threads that have [mod] in the title.

And you don’t think the others would be used sometime in the future? You have to plan ahead a little to keep things organized.

I definitely agree with OP (as I proposed something similar quite a long time ago, actually ^^)
However, there could be only one mod section, with the title defining the state of the mod, like [wip] [alpha] [whatever]…

We need subsections of subsections right off the bat.

Yeah need something like this

Yes, agree !

I think the important thing is to keep separated those who ask stuff from mods (released and wip), then surely more organization -> clearer informations.

I hope someone of the staff read this topic :slight_smile:

Completely agree, the threads are all over the place and more often than not they’re not related with the next one.

Opened Modding section today, it was a cauldron of technical stuff+mods+looking for artists.
Things will get out of control fast without subsections.

More organization dilutes the posts per section. We don’t need to hyper organize when 40-60 threads get posts in a day. If there was 10 pages of stuff per day, definitely :confused:

I don’t see the problem with that.
10 pages of stuff? They will be, once people start to spam here their mods and ask for help and ask for technical stuff.
I think it’s better sooner than later, at least to keep the released mods separated from everything else… or people will migrate to

Hell yeah people, we got two sub forums! One for projects and one for tutorials. I think it’s cool, with the compendium and tutorial list threads we should be good. Thanks mods.

Thank you staff, if you see this reply you can delete this topic.
I think those sections are enough :slight_smile: