Show mutators in Crucible before starting the next set of waves

I play computer games for… playing them xD If I wanna do theoretical work, I just go and work on my science simulations (currently working on some visualizations of astrophysical processes for my new digital physics book for high school students).

GD is an ARPG, which means you can either play it for the action, the role playing (building up characters, have some theme going on), or both. I prefer to play as much as possible self found and have some kind of “theme” going on - even though it may not be the most “optimal” in an end-game perspective.

Mate, IIRC zantai said somewhere that it’d be a lot of work to change the coding or something. Essentially, the improvement in QoL is too little to justify the effort needed

Sadly, yet another example of engine limitations for QOL features
I understand, and I won’t say they should go the (costly) extra mile
But is a shame!
Maybe someday GD2 will fix us up…

Maybe someday GD2 will fix us up…

FU for getting my hopes up. :stuck_out_tongue:

@malawiglenn - You do you, man. :wink:

I’d rather suggest to allow players to pause the game and comfortably read what mutators you have now. Because on waves 161-170 I’m forced to act immediately instead of reading mutators list and I can’t expect that -100 DA mutator is applied, for example.
Offline list of mutators and printed list are possible too, but that is inelegant solution.

I’m not a software developer, so I might be missing something here
However, I was just thinking that they could be implemented as some sort of small cutscenes
I can’t imagine engine limitations or difficult coding for that…

If you mean like a small pause, and mutator icons showing on screen in huge resolution, with their descriptions (what they do) and then going back to their small forms, it would not be hard to implement. I mean, in an old engine I was toying in some time ago, it was possible (if you want to know the engine name, it was zEngine or Zengine, depending on which format you prefer, but it’s one the same engine), so I assume in a newer engine like TQ/GD engine it is possible too - we have animated textures anyway (cooldowns for example), so increasing/decreasing size of a texture shouldn’t be a problem at all.

If you mean like a small pause, and mutator icons showing on screen in huge resolution, with their descriptions (what they do) and then going back to their small forms, it would not be hard to implement. I mean, in an old engine I was toying in some time ago, it was possible (if you want to know the engine name, it was zEngine or Zengine, depending on which format you prefer, but it’s one the same engine), so I assume in a newer engine like TQ/GD engine it is possible too - we have animated textures anyway (cooldowns for example), so increasing/decreasing size of a texture shouldn’t be a problem at all

yeah exactly, and even if it were difficult to implement, a simpler option would be to make them actual cutscenes, like, screen goes black, followed by the icon and explaining text on screen for a few seconds and then back to the game
but I agree, what you’re describing seems doable

Stream of 22nd June:

“DemonikCurse :any chance you change crucible to show mutators before starting wave?
no, that would require some major changes to the crucible setup”

I know, but like we discussed above it is questionable if that is indeed the case
and even though it may be so for crucible, SR and challenge areas are new features so it may be worth reconsidering(?)

Well, you do have time to see what they are in the other areas so not really sure changes need to be made, especially if they’re major ones for Crucible. :undecided:

Well, you do have time to see what they are in the other areas so not really sure changes need to be made, especially if they’re major ones for Crucible.

good point, so far we do have time to see what they are
so then maybe, the point of them getting a new life in the new areas isn’t valid anymore
still, it would be a really nice feature to have them, having an excuse for that was great… while it lasted… thanks Medea… :furious:

Well… No game is perfect and neither is GD. And this is one of the little things that make it so.

Not allowing players to easily access information on the details of crucible mutators and debuffs, or in any other way actively or passively interact with the game during pause ,is not carelessness on the part of the developers. It was a conscious decision and IMO a wrong one.

GD was designed with a philosophy that is supposed to (and to a large extent does) appeal to hardcore gamers. The learning curve is meant to be long. That way it’s supposed to bring more satisfaction to players as they achieve consecutive levels of in-game proficiency. You’re supposed to be happier once you learn to immediately recognize all debuff icons than you would be if that information was easily accessible in-pause.

However, deliberately obstructing access to information in this already complex and hard-to-master game seems like a FORCED and ARTIFICIAL means of extending the learning curve. In this case it simply causes many players to give up trying to get to that next level. Personally, I never learned debuffs and mutators (my 170 clear to die ratio is about 3:1) and I’m probably not gonna unless I can see them in-pause.

Furthermore, devs might be worried that players would pause the game all the time to check their debuffs which would affect the experience. But this line of thought is in a way nonsensical. For example, checking your devotions too much affects the experience - will they limit the time you can spend looking at the devotion tree?

I find this annoying too, but I don’t think the reason is that we don’t get any time to read the mutators, rather that we need to mouseover to read them. reading stuff while fighting is doable but you cannot fight while your mouse stays in a corner of the screen. if we could just have something like the questlog listing the mutator effects that would helpe enough, and also wouldn’t annoy players that don’t care about it and don’t want pauses in theur crucible.
it’s also a likely easier solution to implement since the questlog is already in the game and it would just have different text for the crucible, like the faction screen currently does.

Yes you can? You can hover over the icon, pause the game, and read the (dim) tooltip.

It quite simple for me… i never read the mutator and i bash directly the mobs :smiley:

But yes it’s an annoying system though.