Single-class/"purist" issue.

So I was thinking about a drawback of being a “purist” and only choosing one class to master. Aside from the fact that some classes don’t look like they could play as just their class (which is not what this thread is about), there is the issue that they could miss out on up to half the points put into the Mastery bar (one class, one Mastery bar). So I came to this conclusion…

If, after getting 50 points into a single Mastery bar, you haven’t chosen a second class, you are able to get a second Mastery bar, which would solve the problem and help the purists not be gimped.

I apologize if this was already a thread. I looked through, but there is a chance that I’ve over-looked the thread.

You can get a second mastery bar, it is called selecting a second mastery :wink:

This has been proposed several times, and I always find it entirely useless. Why not just pick a second mastery for the bar only, accomplishes this without any additional work for the devs… the build is just as pure

Well, I’m not entirely sure, but I thought that each Mastery got its attributes points allocated differently. So, if you really like what the Nightblade gets when you level up, why should you “just have to deal” with the allocation of any other Mastery? So, no, the build won’t be just as pure… Plus, you can’t keep the name “Nightblade” if you choose another class. Not a big deal, but still.

After double checking “GrimCalc” (which I should have done first, sorry), all of the classes get different points when investing into the Mastery bar.

You want to be a pure class then you need to deal with the consequences of being a pure class. That or wait for someone to make a mod, Crate has been asked many times before and still haven’t decided to do it. So I’m pretty sure they aren’t just going to all of a sudden choose to do so now.

I understand that they are busy, and I wasn’t expecting them to drop everything just to fix this issue. And while I personally don’t plan on playing a purist, I’d hate to see people be disappointed when there is a fix. Plus, it is not a small consequence (though you didn’t say it was small, but your demeanor implied it). If you head over to grim calc, you will see that you lose out on quite a bit of stat points. Check it out for yourself.

It should be noted that this thread started because of another thread( and I figured it would be a two birds, one stone kind of issue.

You know, instead of worrying about single mastery classes you should be more concerned about builds you actually play.

You say you’ve neither played a single mastery class, nor do you plan on playing one. How would you know how well they’re doing, then? A single mastery class can still reach 10k+ HP and have good OA/defensive stats, because stacking stats through items/devotions is easy. The problem with some single mastery classes have more to do with how some skills seem to be underperforming.
It so happens, though, that fixing/rebalancing skills benefits everyone - not just single mastery classes.

it is from a skills used perspective and the point allocation is not that different that this really is any kind of issue unless you choose the least suitable second mastery.

This really is not needed at all.

not sure how it is one stone when the other thread is about having skills specific to a mastery combination and yours is about never picking a second mastery. The two never are true at the same time, this is two birds, two stones :wink:

i really dont see any issues with mastery bars capping at 100 points.

There is no issue, other than it being additional effort and pretty much pointless as it accomplishes nothing that selecting a second mastery and investing in its bar only does not already solve today.

And again if this is all people really want, I’m almost 100% positive that someone will make a mod allowing you to go past 50 in a mastery Bar.

Not everything players want will be addressed by the Developers. That is why they are providing modding tools in the 1st place. So people can add content they want to the game.

If you read the whole first post of the other thread, you may get what I meant. Here, I’ll link what I said:

"There is another obstacle which is that I don’t know what the “purists” that chose to stick with only one class would do. Surely they can’t invest twice into their Mastery bar…

Though, that would be an interesting prospect. If, after getting 50 points into a single Mastery bar, you haven’t chosen a second class, you are able to get a second Mastery bar, which would solve this problem AND help the purists not be gimped (because, if they chose to play a purist, they miss out on up to half the attributes given by the Mastery bar). But this is for another thread I’ll make here shortly."

The two birds being:
1.) Fixing the slightly gimpedness of the purists.
2.) Allowing purists to use the Dual-Class Mastery skills while staying one class.

The one stone being:
1.) If, after getting 50 points into a single Mastery bar, you haven’t chosen a second class, you are able to get a second Mastery bar.

So how is that one stone really two?

Though, I suppose that there is already balance between the single and dual-classes because the purists save up to 50 points to spend within the mastery bar that dual-classes don’t. So I suppose this whole thread is pretty much useless.

I can sympathize with OP. It adds a feeling of legitimacy to being a single-class character to be able to spend as many points in mastery bars as a dual-class.

This was done in an excellent Titan Quest mastery mod “Paths” so I’m sure it can be done in Grim Dawn.

The drawback of being purist is lack of mastery point, and not all of the skills in 1 class is useful.

With this kind of drawback, it is fine to remain, but they should give something more rewarding. Like giving a purist a ‘true’ ultimate skill after certain conditions met with being purist.

That’d be better.