Single target prefix for AAR with added damage

@Nery made a video with two Ravager kills using Clairvoyant set (posted in this topic too). Does not look glassy, in my opinion. But the concept of Aether/Vitality AAR hybrid is weird, I agree :slightly_smiling_face:.

I watched his videos, too and imo it looks rather glassy (for HC).

I mean it’s aether/vit hybrid or you try to ignore the vit part I like I did (with mixed results). In the end for pure aether you’re better off using other gear than full clairvoyant imo.

What about this setup (uses Aether %WD Conduit, by the way)?

The build is outdated for a bit (, but still looks good and can be adjusted for current patch.

Imo Lukas is probably a better HC player and builder than me and yea that build seems definitely safer for HC than Nery’s. The build will have a little less dmg in 1.1.9 and might need some adjustments, but that’s probably one of if not the best full clairvoyant build to use for HC… at least against Ravager (kinda hard to tell vs other content).

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And also a GD stasher :slight_smile:
(that video was softcore btw :face_vomiting: )

I’m blind, but that’s no news.

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Um…and? HC celestials have more damage/hp/hidden abilities? The point was to show that Clairvoyant set is not as glassy as it seems (to be honest, it is an OK set). And, as I said previously, the build can be adjusted.

Nope, but I was just pointing out to boomer rektos that the build that he commented on was not a HC build.

Understood :slightly_smiling_face:. I read Protoss’s message as if he knows that player, who is better HC builder than him (and plays softcore as well).

I said I modded it in several ways already. That doesn’t imply that I know EVERYTHING about modding.

Yeah… , but they were still kinda wrong. I sat down yesterday evening and actually did a short range mod for it. I didn’t change the visuals, though, as the long range version looks better, and I was too lazy.

Now that I got an official answer and have created my own mod for it, there is no reason for me to be here any longer. Live long and prosper.

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What would be the aether AAR Spellbinder without using full Clairvoyant set? I Suppose weapon is still needed.

Check out duchys build. You would probably use aldritch scepter for conversion

We weren’t remotely wrong, but hey, you do you.

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