Skelly damage conversion help

My first time getting into the end game. My skelly build is doing good but don’t fully understand the conversion. I tried to convert as much over to elemental. With multiple sources with different conversions its a bit confusing.

On a side note its working well. Can do SR 80 no issues. After that I usually get one shotted sooner or later.


you just divide them out
100% phys to ele and 100% phys to vitality = 50% phys to ele and 50% phys to vitality

I have - 110 phys to ele. 87 phys to vit. 41 vit to ele. looks like 70/30?



vit to ele is irrelevant unless you have conflicting conversion there, it doesn’t factor in for the phys conversion (obviously?)
dmg types are their own so you only pool together and divide out conversions for conflicting conversions “of the same type”, ie phys to X and phys to Y; the key part is it’s the phys dmg being split out
vit to ele conversion would only factor in for when you have ex vit to X on top of vit to ele
so it’s around 45% phys dmg “wasted” by being converted into vit (55/45 phys dmg split to ele/vit), the vit to ele is its own if you have no other conversion there

Note that there’s no chain conversion. Any particular unit of damage only gets converted once: damage that gets converted from phys to vit is not considered for purposes of your vit-ele conversion:

I have - 110 phys to ele. 87 phys to vit. 41 vit to ele

OK. So let’s say you land a hit for 197 phys + 100 vit.
197 phys → 110 ele + 87 vit
100 vit → 41 ele + 59 vit

You end up with 151 ele and 146 vit damage, and then apply your +%ele and +%vit to those numbers.