Skill: Eldritch Fire

Hello all,

Quick Question about the Devotion Power: Eldritch Fire from the constellation Solael’s Witchblade.

  1. The type of debuff stacking it provides is -%N, correct? Is this the type that stacks with other debuff % decreases, such as Demolitionists’ Thermite Mines?

  2. How does this proc work exactly?
    -It has no cooldown, but a 4second duration
    -It does not appear as a buff to the player when it procs

My assumption is that when it procs, it deals #chaos and #fire damage to the victim, and also a %fire/chaos/movement speed debuff for 4seconds.

I have this bound to my Flashbang Grenade on my Demo, since I cast that skill constantly.

Any thoughts? Are my assumptions correct?



Any sources of Resistance Reduction can stack if it is not applied by the same source. It is actually the goal of many (all ?) builds.

So yep, you can shread ennemy Resistances with Thermite Mines and Flashbang.

It works as a debuff on the target, so it doesnt appear on your character. Foes will be covered by a sort of red/purple mist for 4 seconds.

No, they don’t. Only -% RR stack with each other. Flat RR sources, as well as -% Reduced Target’s Resistances, don’t stack.

Which means, yes, Eldritch Fire stacks with other RR sources, because it’s -% RR.

The proc applies without CD, but every new proc overrides the previous one. It can’t stack on itself.
It’s an enemy debuff, so it won’t show as a buff on your HUD.

Ok great, so it works as I had assumed and stacks as I hoped it would.

I have it bound to flashbang since i spam that alot and it covers a 10M radius.

Another random question:

Since there is no “radius” listed on the spell’s effect:

  1. When it “procs” will it be cast on every enemy within the trigger abilities’ range?


  1. Is the %chance to proc checked against every target hit by the trigger spell?

Example: FLASHBANG has a 27% chance to proc Eldritch Fire. When triggered, does EF effect every enemy hit by that cast of FB, or does every enemy hit by FB have a 27% chance to be afflicted with EF?


Every enemy hit has a 27% chance to proc Eldritch Fire. Eldritch Fire also has a chance to self-propagate among clustered mobs (the range is small though, like mobs must be around 2 or so paces away form each other).
Personally I’d assign it to a skill slightly less spammable than Flashbang, preferably another debuff skill since you’ll probably cast those first.