Quick Question about the Devotion Power: Eldritch Fire from the constellation Solael’s Witchblade.
The type of debuff stacking it provides is -%N, correct? Is this the type that stacks with other debuff % decreases, such as Demolitionists’ Thermite Mines?
How does this proc work exactly?
-It has no cooldown, but a 4second duration
-It does not appear as a buff to the player when it procs
My assumption is that when it procs, it deals #chaos and #fire damage to the victim, and also a %fire/chaos/movement speed debuff for 4seconds.
I have this bound to my Flashbang Grenade on my Demo, since I cast that skill constantly.
No, they don’t. Only -% RR stack with each other. Flat RR sources, as well as -% Reduced Target’s Resistances, don’t stack.
Which means, yes, Eldritch Fire stacks with other RR sources, because it’s -% RR.
The proc applies without CD, but every new proc overrides the previous one. It can’t stack on itself.
It’s an enemy debuff, so it won’t show as a buff on your HUD.
Ok great, so it works as I had assumed and stacks as I hoped it would.
I have it bound to flashbang since i spam that alot and it covers a 10M radius.
Another random question:
Since there is no “radius” listed on the spell’s effect:
When it “procs” will it be cast on every enemy within the trigger abilities’ range?
Is the %chance to proc checked against every target hit by the trigger spell?
Example: FLASHBANG has a 27% chance to proc Eldritch Fire. When triggered, does EF effect every enemy hit by that cast of FB, or does every enemy hit by FB have a 27% chance to be afflicted with EF?
Every enemy hit has a 27% chance to proc Eldritch Fire. Eldritch Fire also has a chance to self-propagate among clustered mobs (the range is small though, like mobs must be around 2 or so paces away form each other).
Personally I’d assign it to a skill slightly less spammable than Flashbang, preferably another debuff skill since you’ll probably cast those first.