I want to try 1 char with 2H ranged?
Can i focus to Primal Strike with Druid instead of Fire Strike or Cadence or something
Sorry for my bad english
Yes, but remember that Primal Stirke is not a weapon attack replacer like Fire Strike and Cadence so won’t proc things like Chillling Rounds, Bursting Round and Storm Spread.
Should be okay for Druid since that doesn’t have any WPS skills. You can take Brute Force, but not the other 2 parts of that skill and Arcanist doesn’t have any WPS skills.
Also, if you are going with lightning primal strike there is a beginner guide for leveling (by nery) with PS albeit as a vindicator instead of a druid but its still really well written and will get you to lv100 at the very least.
PS: forgot that the guide by nery is outdated sorry abt that
I think i will try 2H ranged Vindicator with Primal Strike, storm totem and storm box
Is it outdated?
yeah it is outdated but you should still be able to figure out a rough leveling path with it until you reach lvl 94, also there is a youtube series by rektbyprotoss for a PS druid which is more recent if you prefer videos. If you dont wanna see all the videos you could also follow his snapshots grimtools he linked in the video description.
Many thanks bro!
The best class choice for 2-h ranged is Vindicator (Shaman+Inquisitor). After all, Shaman specializes in 2-handed weapons, and Inquisitor specializes in ranged weapons, so “2-handed” + “ranged” classes make the strongest combination.
From a ranged standpoint:
Primal Strike is godly in early and mid game due to its massive flat damage from the skill and AoE+chain lightning decimating trash very quickly. However, it falls behind in lategame because its weapon scaling (“Weapon damage”) is too low compared to Savagery. Though there are some decent Primal Strike builds too, Savagery ones tend to be better in average.
Savagery is your number one ranged skill for endgame, especially for 2-handers. It has incredible damage scaling, but lacks AoE, which should be gained via other means.
Fire Strike is worse than Savagery and Primal Strike, being something in-between of them, but at the weaker side of both.
Cadence is even worse, than Fire Strike.
Righteous Fervor is also just a weaker version of Savagery, still a useable one, though, but is usually used for DW ranged.
What a detailed!
It means at early and mid game i can focus Primal Strike
And all in savagery when go to end game
However, Druid isnt the best choice for 2-h ranged character, because Arcanist mastery doesnt offer much for such a playstyle. Arcanist is generally used as a primary class for caster characters, because it has loads of powerful spells. However, is makes a bad secondary class, because it lacks any resistance reduction. And in case of 2-h ranged, it’s even worse, because it doesnt have any WPS skills or other mans to assist you aside from generic buffs every class has.
As i wrote before, the main downside of 2-h ranged Savagery is lack of AoE. Therefore, you should fix that with your secondary class. Inquisitor is the best there, as it has several ranged WPS skills, that add AoE you need so much, covering your weaknesses.
Druid makes a decent caster, but not that great 2-h ranged.
Invest in “Word of Renewal”
If you deal elemental damage or fire/cold/lightning, I recommend picking up win devil with maxed-out “Raging Tempest”, also 1 pointer in wendigo totem might help a lot.
If you plan on tanking stuff, might pick inquisitor seal too.
Should i remove storm box to add some points to Renewal and Wind devil
I think they are both crucial for survival and damage… I would honestly pick storm box only if I invested a lot of gear-specific items in it. So the short answer is probably yes.
ye, that’s a littl’ better.
As Bruce Lee said, “I fear not the man who practiced 10000 kicks once, but i fear the man who practiced 1 kick 10000 times.”
In other words, specialization is the key to success. Since you’re going to be a 2-h ranged, you should specialize in that, and give up on everything else. You should also specialize in a single damage type too (in your case, it’s Lightning damage).
First, you dont really need Storm Totem or Storm Box of Elgoloth.
Second, you dont need Feral Hunger, Upheaval, Bursting/Chilling Round and Storm Spread for Primal Strike. Those work only with “default attack” skills (such as Savagery, or, well, default attack). Primal Strike isnt a “default attack”, and its tooltip clearly states so.
Third, you dont need to max Mogdrogen’s Pact (base skill) and Deadly Aim - those supportive skills are nice, but a bit too weak, and there are better options to put your skillspoints into.
Fourth, Stormcaller’s Pact is good for early-mid game, but later you should swap it for Aura of Censure.
As for what you DO need:
First, resistance reductions. In this game, enemies can have pretty high resistances sometimes (100%+ isnt that uncommon). And unlike you, they arent limited by 80% cap, so any thing with 100%+ resistance will be immune to your damage. Not really fun, right? That’s where resistance reduction (or RR in short) come handy. A general rule for every build is to get as much stackable RR to the damage type you deal as you can. Vindicator usually gets it through Raging Tempest (a subskill to Wind Devil skill), Aura of Censure and constellations - Widow, Ultos (or Viper) and Rhowan’s Crown (or Revenant). Well, some items can also provide that, such as Ascendant Hood. Not to mention you get a massive damage boost against an enemy with weakened resistances anyway, even if it’s not “immune”.
Third, you need to get proper supportive skills. Inquisitor’s Seal is really great defensively (though maxing Arcane Empowerement is probably not worth it). Word of Renewal is great too, as well as its subskills, but it requires quite a lot of points to max them all, probably not enough for everything.
A link to what a proper 2-h ranged vindicator should be like.
I am curious about why fire strike is worse than savagery - does this apply to dual wield as well? What about for non-lightning builds?
Firestrike is worse because it has significantly lower weapon damage scaling. Yes, it adds some AoE, but it’s still not enough on its own. Also, Demolisher mastery dont have any WPS skills and its RR skill (Thermite Mine) is quite inconvenient to use (at least, without items to increase its AoE).
I dont mean you cant make a decent build with Fire Strike. You can. For example, with Bartholem Warmaul. But Savagery and Righteous Fervor builds tend to be stronger in average than Fire Strike ones. Dualwield and non-lightning included (after all, Righteous Fervor supports fire damage too).
None of the auto attacks are strictly better than one another, it depends on the build type and support.