Small feature(s) request for modding

Hi there, thanks for this cool game, and especially the possibility to mod it to our liking.

As we speak of modding and liking, i would like to ask for some features for my “Mastery Less” mod (has been done by someone else for a very old grim dawn version, if my information is right), but i’m doing it for me and my friends for the actual version.

What is the goal? - Well as the title says i want to have a classless / masteryless mod. I achieved this by removing the need from all skills to have a certain level in their mastery table. This means i can pick any skill from any mastery without spending mastery points, so the undo class button is always enabled.

“Unfortunately” this also allows you to choose high end skills from the beginning, but you can kinda play by the rules and dont take them, unless you have reached the needed masterypoints in your first fixed mastery.

Using this mod, i discovered some things im going to list and would like to ask support for:

  1. Skill bonuses on items work, but these skills arent highlighted in the item if you havent spent mastery points in the mastery. This is a purely cosmetic request, to have it highlighted if you have chosen the skill.

  2. (EDIT) [[OLDAugmentMastery on items doesn’t work, if you dont have spent points in this mastery. Can we have it work anyway?]] It works, but the item wont show it - so it’s a cosmetic request.

  3. Can we get a game option, maybe in gameengine.dbr, to always have the undo class button available, even if we have spent mastery points? Would make this mod work easier.

  4. No limit on the amount of skills in a mastery. This would enable me to have only one mastery with all skills in it, making it a truly masteryless experience, reworking skills and augmentmastery on items to account to only this one mastery.

  5. Not specific to this mod but to all mods - please allow us to use our mods with crucible mode… Multiplayercompatible of course :slight_smile:

  6. Not specific to this mod - there is a mod called caravaner, which vastly increases the space in the inventory, bags and the stash. If i host a multiplayer game, i can use my stash fine, but joined players, who of course have the same mod as i do, crash the game accessing the bigger stash. So I’d like to request MP support for dynamic stash sizes.

  7. Allow us to bind skills from devotions, to skills we havent spend mastery points in.

Thanks for your time - can’t wait for Fangs of Asterncarn :grin:

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure what you’re thinking of was done in a previous mod. You can play the game without masteries/classes, but that means you’re relying on skills from items in the game. This is something already in the game and has been since 2019. If you do it on hardcore through to Ultimate Forgotten Gods content there’s even a reward for doing it.

This is the thread about it

and this was the first build to do it solo self found.

@medea_fleecestealer, thanks you for your fast reply.

I think you misunderstood the way my mod works. It’s not about not using any skills from the skill trees. Its about breaking the limit of having only access to skills of the two masteries, you choose and spent mastery points in. In fact I want to mix as many masteries as i wish.

For example: The best summoner build would be to use skills from Occultist, Shaman and Necromancer. That involves 3 masteries.

In the core game you could only go with these combinations: Necro Occu, Necro Shamy, Shamy Occu. In my version you can have all three at once.

I didn’t misunderstand that part, I was querying the old mod you think did something similar. I don’t recall a mod that did those things, but was pointing out that classless is a possibility in the game.

Then maybe the naming i’ve chosen is misleading and i should call it “all masteries together” :laughing:

I don’t want to play without the skilltree and only use skills from items :slight_smile:. I want to use all skills, from all mastries in the skilltree, i wish to use and combine them.

Point #4 is possible now. You have to get the templates used in DoM (probably Grimarilion too) from nexus/modDB. Then you have 999 slots. If needed the template could probably be further expanded.

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That template is not 999, but 99 slots, but only 80 can be used in actual testing.

Ah. RIP that idea then

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