Small Tools. What the fridge do they do?

OK. So, SMALL tools are sometimes needed. Sawmill, Glasmaker, Firewoodsplitter… So if I get the alarm, I will produce them or better: buy them. I am not talking about big tools, I am talking about the small ones.

I stopped producing small tools altogether (with the exception of the situation above) and there is absolutely no consequence.

They don’t seem to increase productivity, happiness, health… They just cost ressources and “vanish”. Meaning, that they get picked up by people and will decline after about 10 years (?) or so.

So can we please get rid of them or give them a real use?

Probably they only need to provide a boost in productivity (or, vice versa, make the lack of tools causing a more noticeable slow production penalty, or both). I’m absolutely against removing them from the game, they are amongst those objects which help the game to look more believable.

They’re not actually “needed”, but do improve productivity of the worker (things get produced faster)

My smiths have a ratio of 6 heavy tools, 3 small tools and 1 sword, I buy extra when they’re really, really cheap.

Nope, they don’t. I tried it out, the whole testing shannaningans.
You think they might but don’t. Try it.

Firewood splitter is the easiest.

Put two in splitters in exact same distance to a full stock and let it run for a couple of years. If they don’t die, have the same distance to their homes etc. They produce the almost exact same number of firewood.

Don’t believe, just because it’s seems to make sense, that tools create productivity.

I want tools, really I do. I like to optimize but they just don’t do ANYTHING.

I have had the thought that small tools should be for the little the “wheel barrows” they use.

first baskets to carry more and then small tools wheelbarrows to carry even more.

small tools seem to be knives, shovels, axes, wheelbarrows and yes, they would wear out and need to be replaced

I also don’t see any difference when I use small tools in gold mines. They still produce the same quantity each year. The gold mine explicitly says that tools are required to work more efficiently, but nothing happens.