So are people just not sharing their mods...

So are people just not sharing their mods, or is it even harder then it looks to mod the game. Was hoping there would be a Lightning Mastery already or atleast a weapon that granted a spammable self casted chain lightning :slight_smile:

It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to create a single mastery, and the lack of direction from the guide isnā€™t helping the less experienced modders either.

I have a full rework done of the Mastery system, IMO its crazy good and i am at the point where i am fighting myself on modding more or just playing the game. However keep in mind i build it based off my own preference i feel that community would have a much different opinion on my terms of " Balance " alot of people are working on some great stuff give it time you will see.

This, I have no desire to MOD myself since the learning curve looks brutally steep and Iā€™m already way too busy with my own projects.

I want a GD spammable CL!

Itā€™s really not that hard actually. Thereā€™s just a lack of knowledge as Asylum said. I mean fuck I was stuck on making one skill for Occultist since yesterday because I didnā€™t know you had to put the skill in order for it to work. I was aimlessly trying to mess with the UI that didnā€™t do anything but look pretty in the end.

Not gonna publish it because itā€™s a modification of the Grimmest modā€¦ And itā€™s only for a Bloody Pox Conjurer build.

Iā€™m personally trying to make a small custom campaign but there are errors and other obstacles poping upp all the time. There is A LOT of stuff we(at least I donā€™t) donā€™t know howto do and there seams to be more then enough bugs.

This is day 4 since the mod tools were released. We have 2 mods in a very unfinished but playable state. Iā€™ve been focused on documenting community solutions and also exploring the DBR files. I spent a full day trying to get graphics of various kinds to import, and other people had similar success with .tex files. (Nobody has mesh imports working yet afaik.)

then release it already and find out

if people donā€™t like the actual mod they will at least enjoy the instructional value

Well, please do it yourself and share it with the community.
This DB system is quite surprising, and imho, very clunky and uneasy to use.

Clearly u need to L2R, I clearly asked if it was even harder then it looks. Which means it looked hard to me.

A combination of, not as easy as it looks to make something balanced,
real life taking me away from my desire to live in a cave and mod,
and personal desire to not release something I consider sub-par.

But if you expect a really good lightning mastery that fits into the game to be done in a week thatā€™s silly.

This x 10. Some of us work and have only a few hours a day to mod. Clunky tools make that process longer, then of course before you use the tools you have to have a plan of what youā€™re gonna doā€¦itā€™s not so simple as to just abracadabra ā€¦ a mod is born.

There is one mod out for the game already by chn10151. Link to thread on steam about it.

Challenge is dead and we killed it

Good thing it is a mod, and not actually needed to be taken. I saw it on steam and thought " it is great. ā€¦ for those that want no challenge."

I have a stash expansion mod ā€˜almost doneā€™ - everything works but it is over 500mb because of the tpl files. When I make it in a smaller environment it doesnā€™t work but the compile size is 3mb. The most challenging aspect was getting the graphics to work. I made the main stash store a few extra (13 total) and the transfer stash has 2 extra rows and 4 extra columns. (12 total) Unless the graphics are edited and imported, the extra columns donā€™t work except to hold things. Canā€™t move, remove, compare, etc. There is a cool behind the scenes ā€œthe window graphic is the boundary of the windowā€ and unless the window graphic is extended, the items supposedly in the window donā€™t work.

Long story short, Iā€™ll share it as soon as it isnā€™t half a gig and still usable.

wouldnā€™t the download be 3MB then ?

The most challenging aspect was getting the graphics to work. I made the main stash store a few extra (13 total) and the transfer stash has 2 extra rows and 4 extra columns. (12 total)

so just a few more rows / columns, no additional tabs ?

I assumed eg 10 tabs for char and stash would be the way to go (same size as today) :wink:

I also tried myself at the extra inventory sacks, but that is impossible without a Engine/CE hack. The whole UI is very limited in what it can do, any field not predefined can not be created. uhm, difficult to explain, but bottomline, there will be no extra stats or any kind of major ui changes unless that design changes in the engine.

Inventory UI sizes, all you have to do is edit 3 files, the gameengine.dbr as well as the two inventory grid files,
then you have a somewhat working extended inventory.
but as rorschachrev, I am also stumped on the ui side of things.
I chose to look into other things in the time available, prepping and playing V2 of my mod namely.

rorschachrev, can you tell us where to look for the inventory ui texture fix?
i may come up with a solution and hope to bundle this into V2 of my legendary cap remover mod.

i already bundle the scripts, so another resourcefile if i have to will not be the end of the world.

@mamba, rorschachrev says it does not work properly if it is 3mb(just the db packed like my mod),
ah yeah, that java to exe compiler holds annual charity sales on christmas, least last time i looked at it, they sold a windows only license for 20ā‚¬ or so. and also bundles with linux android etc.
obfuscation cough

Adding more tabs is probably next on my list of things to do. That will be a lot of DBR work and Iā€™ll need to make some new buttons. Eventually Iā€™ll end up with a complete skin :eek:

I made Stasher and released it. Main delay was lack of internet access, a Dell 16 port switch died. I put an 8 port switch in but the cables arenā€™t labeled, I think that an undocumented and unknown-before-I-climbed-around switch in the ceiling is dead. I probably need to replace a netgear router too. I live where I work, Iā€™m paying for cell internet right now to forum post. :o

Hereā€™s the mod.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated rorschachrev :slight_smile:

I for one am working mostly on skills for now, going 1 mastery at a time. Generally completely changing them up (including animations) or adjusting (like aether ray)ā€¦ so yeah will post up a preview or something once Iā€™m done with at least one mastery.

NateATon inspired me to also look into items but I must not deviate :stuck_out_tongue: