So, I was wondering

A mind that cannot change its view when in possession of new information and evidence, is dull, weak, and warped.

Something you seem to not yet, or may ever, grasp.

That’s cute and all but…

…here lets have a little recap of the insane level of ranting you performed in the prior post:

Now lets take a moment to observe the random insult you decided to toss at Crate’s programmers in the middle of that:

And continuing on with your rant, as it grows increasingly erratic in tone…

Brutally sadistic? Insanely jealous? XXX rated? Maybe you just forgot to take your meds that day, right? I wouldn’t blame anyone that read that entire piece for wondering just how unhinged of a person you are mentally.

I’ll tell ya one thing I grasp tho, is just how fuill of yourself you are.