So I've been snooping around the forum lately (untested GT concept dump)

It’s really interesting to see how the meta has changed. Particularly with the top 20 softcore builds.

Of late, I have taken up doodling about on GT every now and then. However, I don’t think I’ll be able to do any real in game testing in the foreseeable future.

Curiosity finally got the better of me and I figured I’d post some of my draft (and untested) concepts out in the open. If anyone decides they are interesting enough to test out, I’d love to see how they work:

Disclaimer: These builds may have already been done.

  1. Pure vindictive flame pyro: Pyromancer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
    Strangely, I’ve not seen any recent builds doing this with the ember calling set. On paper, it looks beastly with vindictive flames proccing every 0.164s + 33% damage reduction + Juicy adcth

  2. Lightning permascension DW melee archon: Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

  3. Cold Nex/Ortus saboteur: Saboteur, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

  4. Acid DW RE oppressor: Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
    Shame zantai nerfed pandemic. Regardless, this seems promising with 1.2s CD RE with +1s duration. Also 4x roided out pure acid guardians.

Looking forward to the expansion!


P.S. Always awesome to see new theorycrafters!

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You can generate characters with [Tool] GD save file editor with one command. Testing can take less time than doodling in GT nowadays.

Those have been done and with much higher values of just about everything! I sent you the link for our Discord, come join it for the build discussion!

@mad_lee @tqFan Im just a little hesitant to open the pandora’s box of theorycrafting :rofl:

I get waaaay too competive


Glad to see you again man!

  1. Always looked good on paper and always failed to deliver unfortunately. Vindictive only procs on receiving dmg which leaves you with low dps vs casters. More importantly, Ulzuin doesn’t work on close enemies. The skill just doesn’t work properly as a dmg source.
  2. Was making a lot of versions of this until decided to give up permascension for Korvaak helmet and more tankiness coming from devos. It’s a good build but even with permascension it’s not bulletproof
  3. N&O is very good now, for both cold and fire.
  4. Acid RE is worth trying again, indeed. You absolutely need RE dedicated gloves though

Overall the game has gotten harder and now anything with less than 18k effective HP can fall apart in SR75-76. Come join our server and we’ll bring you up to speed!

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well you will have to learn a lot of things to up your building game then :scorv:

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Good to see you back on the forums @sir_spanksalot! :sunglasses:

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If you use the acid RE gloves here, then you lose out on +1 summon for guardians because the helm converts the RE acid dmg to vit.

Need to test both to see which has better dmg output

I have some link for it actually but with more RF, Attack speed and Phys res :thinking: Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Also Dervish Melee + Guardians:

You need to join our discord back so we can explain you in detail why your theorycrafts are bad :scorv:

Spanky, you are back. Missed you :blush:

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