So many Cabalist pet builds...but which one?

Haven’t played this game in a long time, considering coming back and grabbing the expansion just for a chance to mess around with Cabalist. I love pet builds, I played the lazy pokemon build for a good long time but it never quite clicked with me for some reason. I’ve seen a build by Parrot (not a guide, sadly, just their calc), one from reddit from Pyro, and I think one or two floating around on this site as well. Not really sure where to go though. Since I know virtually nothing about this game after stopping for so long, the fact that the builds are all similar and yet all use different gear and slightly different skill setups leaves me not sure where to begin. Not to mention leveling…

Any ideas which is the best way to go? I like that they are all (kind of) passive builds, they give you stuff to do but not so much that I feel like my fingers are breaking trying to keep up with stuff. Too old to deal with skill bloat MMO’s anymore :stuck_out_tongue: (seriously, why do we need forty skills, 1/3 of which do virtually the same thing with a different name…).

PErsonally i recommedn this guy

it’s not pet, and pretty advanced creative build but amazing. But no pet build.

You can get 3x boneslpikes in act 2 mointain deeps, bladesworn relic for DW. 2x rift stones. Invest in Ravenous Earth (bind Bat to it) and soul harvest. GG

Then get Solael line from Occult.

I wonder how much the build is affected by the fixed Seal of Blades (no more procs from it) !

None of THT’s builds were dependent on that particular exploit so it should be good

It does affect but not ruin by far. It’s one of my favorite concepts. Just needs a few changes for 150

Multiple flame torrent can still stack if bound to ravenous earth.
With the increase duration from bonespike, flame torrent can still do as much damage if not more than bound to whirling blades.

Looks like an interesting build but I really do want to play a pet focused one ^^;

Also, not 100% sold on Cabalist, if there’s an even better pet build, feel free to mention it. From what I’ve been reading though, this seems to be the big one right now.

Looks like an interesting build but I really do want to play a pet focused one ^^;

Also, not 100% sold on Cabalist, if there’s an even better pet build, feel free to mention it. From what I’ve been reading though, this seems to be the big one right now.

Looks like an interesting build but I really do want to play a pet focused one ^^;

Also, not 100% sold on Cabalist, if there’s an even better pet build, feel free to mention it. From what I’ve been reading though, this seems to be the big one right now.

The good news is, - it doesn’t even matter till you hit 94. Just level based on the gear you find. As long as you get all the major skills you should have no problem clearing the content. I’ve just started a new HC cabalist and already finished vet and elite on random greens picked up along the way. Even past 94, there are several good builds and all seem pretty strong so almost can’t go wrong as long as you reach certain break points like pet attack speed, OA, resists, etc.

Cabalist is especially good if you don’t have all the endgame gear, so I’d just go with the flow and respec according to the gear I find.