So what happened to Kerrick in AoM?

Four people missing; three gravestones.

Rook, Harmond and Sahdina all got decent burial. Nobody like the salvage dealer enough to put up a marker?

Do we have to go hunt his body down and hope he at least dropped some decent loot?

Hmm, did not see the gravestones yet. Where are they?

I imagine it might be quite hard to give a decent burial to what I suspect is a mound of red paste underneath a mass of Aetherial flesh. :eek:

Just around the corner, by the training dummies. :slight_smile:

You don’t need a body to put up a marker. I doubt Harmond was in much better shape. Let alone the two actual combatants.

Either the devs forgot he existed or Kerrick is the one who let in the aetherial titan

Anyways I hope they tie up this loose end, even if he didn’t have any dialogues he was important as he was part of original DC setup

Technically he’s a smear underneath the colossus, but I guess he can get a tombstone…

I like to think that he got turned into that Colossus, this my canon now.

Or maybe he’s the one who killed it by jamming himself into its butthole
It died of anal suffocation

Why the fuck am I even typing something like this

TIL that Aetherials breathe using their buttholes, that explains why dildos are extremely effective against them. Tks for the useful information.

All those fist weapons exist for a reason… :eek:

If you add +200% damage bonus against Aetherials to Fist of Vire in the next update we can make this thread a reality :p. Come on it will never kill anyone anyway.

N1! Fisting beyond the Veil;)

Aren’t his boots just visible under the dead colossus?

Well we knew that :wink:

You’re gonna have to license Zappa for the soundtrack, now. You realize that.

Sweet, this has been bugging me sense testing. :smiley:

Also, wtf is up with the rest of this thread :eek: :rolleyes:

Ed… ward…

I hate you right now

(Most heartbreaking character in the ENTIRE series)

What I do wonder about is why the Aetherials came to Devil’s Crossing from Malmouth, and not, say, check on Krieg first? And if they came through once, what is stopping them from trying again?
And mostly, how the heck did Kasparov and Darlett survive, considering the riftgate is right outside their window…They probably hid in that cupboard.

And if you talk to the kids next to the seamstress, one of them mentions he misses Rook and his funny moustache. :frowning: I honestly, actually forgot who Rook was, thought he was maybe one of the south gate guards, until I started a new character. Guy opened to door for us so many times, and never got a tip!

PS: I just love when people post anime character memes. For me one looks like any of the other 2 million, so the significance of the character is totally lost on me save for the faces they make in the meme.

Full Metal Alchemist (and FMA Brotherhood) are both really good and you’re missing out. Jussayin’.