Not awake enough to start on this fully today, but knowing which version was used will allow me to dig into the guts and find where the code for game controllers is buried and start working around my mouse click registration issue. Which only happens in Grim Dawn.
Already had a look at DirectInput.dll and the exe in JetBrains.peak, but the dll is partly obfuscated and the exe will require different tools to dig into the code and ultimately modify it if need be. Because I already know I need to understand how the dll works with the exe if I’m going to solve this issue and maintain controller support.
Though that’s the end stage, first bit is seeing if removing game controller support solves this, then I get to nut out how to implement code to recognise the Chakram and see it only as a mouse, not a controller.
Because so far even deleting the drivers for the Chakram and using the generic ones still triggers issues with click registration.
Hopefully everything I need is in the DirectInput.dll, since Crate’s been using dll injection to add more functionality to the game engine. Which is a bit of a hack and is why anti-virus programs flag it as a false positive and can and will crash it. But as always in software dev, if the method works well enough and is stable, then it’s perfectly fine to use it.
Because perfect code only exists in examples etc and dreams