Some April Screenshots

Me too, now I’m just waiting to see it in motion.

Good show! :smiley:

I don’t know why but it kind of reminds me of Titan Quest. Just kidding. :slight_smile:
I would like the health bar a little thinner, but that’s nitpicking.

Anyway, I think it would be a great idea to release some cool Grim Dawn wallpapers.

Great job!

Girl model looks awesome badass coolness!

Keep up da great work! Smash bugz tireless!:smiley:

I need this game in my life…

Jesus it looks so beautiful!..I just wish I could like the font :frowning:

The occultist is a totally legit character but the two soldiers are not. The one with 15k hp is wearing my cheat-ring that gives 10k hp and some ridiculous amount of damage. I it use when I just want to run through the world and test certain things. Both him and 5k dude are artificially leveled and they may even have additional skill / attribute points for their level. They’re basically just junk test-characters that I pulled out to show off some higher level gear because I didn’t have a real soldier that high level.

I think the highest I’ve played with a legit character was to around 25 and that was a long time ago. They kept becoming invalid as we made changes to the game or I changed around the skill trees. That and, of course, it is a big time investment to keep leveling characters. I play legit when I really want to accurately test overall balance / feel but when I’m just looking to test out higher level skills or some other thing, I cheat up test-characters.

Without the ring, Drinkn Lincoln only has a little over 3500hp. By that level it would probably be possible for a pure soldier to get around 6-8k if they went for all our +life, +% life affixes, dumped a lot of points into physique and maxed out the soldier military conditioning skill.

By that level enemies can dish out a lot of damage too though and you need higher hp if you’re going melee.

I love leaving for months at a time to come back and see Delicious new screens, keep up the amazing work guys! i cant wait.

I think you should have gone with a rampaging will-o-wisp.

From looking at the Screen Shots the only thing that I can see that will let Grim Dawn down is the font.:undecided::o

Any update about that?

I didn’t know there was a screenshot page, cool.


honestly, it just makes the wait worse. I need the game for my commute and occasional chance to play at work. the forum only helps me kill 15-20 minutes of my day. it’s a matter of need, not want.

buuut, I can wait.



Don’t stop.

Looks freaking awesome. Thanks got the update, can’t wait for alpha!

I definitely second this. It just doesn’t really wow me that much and looks kinda boring. Maybe intermingle some other free fonts? or make the font really high resolution?(not even sure if that’s a thing haha)

Lovely screenshots. I think it’s good that the lady is fully armoured. I don’t mind scantily-clad ladies, but they don’t belong in Grim Dawn.

The game should have a joke item called “The Cheat-Ring”. It won’t actually be that OP, but must have some flavour text regarding its origin.

Beautiful screenshots!

Thanks for the update Medierra!

Very nice, I have no real complaints to give about the images, they are all perfect.

They are using a free font.
Otherwise, they would need to buy a font license for a lot of money.
Guess some fonts are copyrighted by the creator and a license is required to be purchased if you are going to profit by using a specific font. So, choices are very limited.
(Not sure whether that’s the final font. Could be just for the Alpha/Beta phases.)

Awesome shots plus update, getting dehydrated by salivation :wink:
And now, back to work…lol:D

as Assassin has said, fonts are very tricky to use, there aren’t that many totally free to use in anything fonts,. most are commercial licensed so you need to shell out for a huge amount of money to even use them, even many free fonts have a lot of limitations depending on the license they have, as some can’t be used for a commercial product

the subject of the font has come up many times, but unless Crate win the lottery or something or have even more sales that gives them huge amounts of money, then the font choice will be limited, remember their resources are finite,. and I think personally speaking the font is fine, but that is just me. but I dont think getting a new font at this stage would be worth the hassle, not unkless they make huge amounts of money,

but this subject does come up a lot, and usually ends up with the same been said, font choice is very limited

A better looking font adds little value to the game overall. Of course little details make the difference and the game does need a better font. Its not always about the money though, they can make their own font if they want to… its not that hard.

At this point of the developement though, i don’t think they need to deal with this.