Some help with a conjurer (non pet)

No it does not. I mean it can apply on first hit, cause first hit is a “tick” but after that spamming it is useless:p. Both bleed and Vitaity damage part tick per second. Tested this a lot.

If you doubt this then bind Assassin’s mark to it and cast it once on a Dummy. There is a chance to crit on every tick and will proc assassin’s mark. Both bleed and vitality tick per second but it’s the vitality crit that procs assassin mark.

same for other procs like Manticore. The hits from vitality damage will proc manticore. If you cast it on a mob you will see Manticore proc even after the initial cast.

I am aware of the ticks and procs. I was asking because I noticed quite often that even with most/all enemies on screen already tagged with DS, my health is immediately restored when I cast DS again, which suggests (to me) that DS hits ‘again’ right after casting and applying its healing regardless of whether an anemy is already afflicted by DS.

I was thinking the same in the beginning, and kept spamming it like crazy for a long time.

Part of the power of DS is healing from mobs without having to apply it all the time. If you spam it all the time it’s hard to notice since the heal tick can synchronize with your casting animation and lead you to believe that you are healing with spamming.

Let your health drop half way and kite a mob that has DS applied. You will heal. If you spam it look closely at your animation and heal ticks.

Also think about this. If you you were to heal both per cast and per tick you would be able to not only double dip but triple dip with more cast speed on it’s healing power leading to a big imbalance. It only heals per second once applied.

This explains some weird stuff:rolleyes: