Some new year collection for "Sunder Era" - SR 90 Shieldbreaker, Druid, Warlock

Hello there! I’m one of the many fellows, who likes Grim Dawn. I have been playing GD since latest patches of AoM, but havent written much on the forum or shared any builds. I played exclusively rotation casters and here would like to present to the caster lovers some sturdy and comfortable builds for the endgame.

  1. Custom Grenadier (click for GT)

SR 90 run with double Iron Maiden as an example.

Rising from the whatnot with endless variability of affixes this Grenadier appears to be a very resilient caster with good damage. The represented setup is as smooth at sr 75 as anyone can desire for caster to be. Beefy enough not be punished for mistakes with celestial killing, offensive enough to give enjoyment to DPS fans. Still has a room to improve durability (taking gollus rings and/or Mark of Diviniity).

  1. Ludrigan Druid (click for GT)

SR 90 run

From an underdog (not in the GD league tho from what I’ve heard) Ludrigan Druid in one patch has become a top dog. I made my spec before Ludri was buffed, when Cataclysm seemed to me as the only way. Odd enough, I still would go for Cataclysm and not for Halakor and MI offhand. The reasons are following: twice as more crit damage, more OA, better DR, much more qol with additional skillpoints.

  1. Trozan/Cataclysm Warlock (click for GT)

SR 90 run

Another Cataclysm iteration. If you think that I love the set, you are right :slight_smile: . In ths build the choice in the favour of Cataclysm is reasoned with way too low cooldowns on both skills with Rolderathis’ Tome. Its little to insurmountable to push CoF and TSS+Sgilis (1 sec cd both). Not to say Warlock lacks HP a lot. Cataclysm provides the build with DR, necessary HP amount and additional skillpoints. In a nutshell it’s t(ss)-34, not the warlock: pulls 2-4 bosses at 75, tanks ravager and so on. Fabius is a pain at SR 85+ tho.


And excuse my ego, but I’d like to provide some feedback here:

  1. Not for the first time I have noticed that elemental builds severely lack pierce res.
  2. Occultist mastery bar could have used a buff by bumping its HP bonus a little bit.


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