If I build up Onslaught charges, transform into a Wereraven then use Cold Snap - that counts as the next activated cooldown attack and I get the Onslaught charge bonus, right? (because transforming into a Werewolf or Wereraven has a cooldown, but isn’t an attack)
But Ice Talons, the no-cooldown Wereraven basic attack doesn’t count, because it is an attack but doesn’t have a cooldown (like the recently modified Bloody / Blessed Whetstone skills), right?
No % on critical attack trigger, and no % on attack trigger skill (say on an item or from Devotion) works because it is not “activated” by me, regardless if the skill has a cooldown?
Callidor’s Tempest doesn’t work, because there is no cool down, but taking the Wrath of Agrivix Transmuter would work with Onslaught?
The channeled skill Winds of Asterkarn doesn’t list a cooldown, so it doesn’t work with Onslaught?
The channeled skill Albrecht’s Aether Ray does list a cooldown (skill recharge?) so it…does work with Onslaught? Just on the first casting speed tick? For as long as I have energy?