Some QoL suggestions

I finished all the quests in the base game, Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods in normal and the game is great, I’m waiting for Fangs of Asterkarn to come out to start a new game to reach Ultimate while I learn to mod the game a little.
Here are some things I would like to see in the game that I consider QoL:

  1. A north indicator in the map window, currently the only way to check which direction is north, that I know of, is checking the minimap and I usually have it turned off, an indicator on the actual map window would be great.

  2. A button to auto stash resources like Ancient Hearts and Manticore Eyes, there’s a button to auto stash components but we still need to stash crafting resources manually one by one.

  3. Hide enemy Name, Health and Type. We can already choose to hide/show the enemy type icon or their level but their name, health and type still shows up, to me less is more and I would like to just turn all that off.

  4. I think I saw this one mentioned in another topic but showing the current blacksmith bonuses in the blacksmith window would be nice so we don’t have to check the wiki every time.

  5. Sorting the faction window by allegiance then alphabetically. The window currently sorts just alphabetically and it would be helpful to have it group which factions are friendly and which are hostile separately.

Edit: Added #5.

This is already in the game. You need to hover your mouse over the UI element on the left of the Combine one.

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I’m probably not the only one who learnt about this now.


it’s not highlighted very well, or at all, ingame :sweat_smile:

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Is there a feature where you can view any item to see the minimum to maximum amount of stats it can roll?

grimtools only, nothing ingame

yes please.


It even has flavor text, that’s awesome.

Blacksmith “secret” button is awesome, but maybe there’s also a way to search items in the illusionist window which I’m not aware of?