
Hello, folks!
For some reason, my spawn point does not work. I tried moving it and adding spawnplayersecondary.dbr
The same thing happens to respawncheckpointa01.dbr, character spawns and respawns at the default location.
I tried to rebuild the entire map, pathing and etc.
How do I fix that?

But, spawn point works correctly, if I create a new character.
Then, if I move it, my character will be still using old spawn location.

Did you use “Build” with the Asset Manager after making your changes?

Perhaps it’s some sort of bug?

I’ve had this problem also. However, it only occurs when entering Normal or Veteran. This is an old issue that I never really had the chance to look into as I had built/compiled my maps numerous times.

A full game exit and full rebuild of assets has a different effect than going back to the main menu and reloading without exiting the game. I’ve struggled to get my basic tex files into the build, and eventually found out that it was a corrupt arc file. (Do a -list, it will save you so much time!)

The initial spawn point is only for new characters. If you move it, new characters will spawn at it, but any characters previously loaded at its old position will have the old coordinates stored.

You can change where an existing character respawns by placing respawn points, which need to be grouped before they work.

Thats it. Thanks for help, this is how it really works!