Special map seeds for players

Seed: 66666666666
Size: Large

Decent space, high fertility, it looks like most if not all resources are present.

Small ‘pond’ to the south east in the initial reveal.

Huge mountain to the south west with sand, gold, iron.

Wetlands at the north west

There is coal in the centre of the map, and to the east of the pond. Irrigation is deep blue near the wetlands and around the pond, but remains decent if not high in other areas excepting the mountain.

I also generated the same seed on Medium size:

South, we got a lot of raw minerals in this hillside

Directly east we find a shoreline with fertile land, sand, and clay.

North and north west hold iron. I think I found the border to the Land of Iron.

Unlike the Large version, there is no medicinal root in the starting area and very limited willow.