Speedy monsters

Is anyone getting monsters coming at them at high speed? Since v1.2 I’ve seen it happen a lot. Slith, Crabs, Leafmanes, Wendigos, Baslisks, etc, all come at me like they’ve been downing jet fuel. I’ve verified the game files, but it still happens. And these aren’t any special monsters, just your ordinary ones. Not seeing it being reported as a bug so don’t know if anyone else has experienced it. :woman_shrugging:

I’m a brand new player, so I assumed this was just normal…

Yeah … I thought one of the things talked about was ‘warp speed wendigos’. But they do seem to close the gap to the player like greased lightning.

Yeah it’s happened to me, everything from kymon cultists to wendigos will randomly just go turbo mode and zoom around. Thing is I’ve seen it happen a lot before 1.2 so I just assumed enemies in GD could randomly morb whenever they want :person_shrugging:

Yeah I thought maybe I was remembering wrong or it was added purposely.