SPOILER ALERT: Lore Discussion

Ulzuin is not Okaloth.


whoa! truth descend from the sky and slap some sense to me! :exploding_head: thanks for the truth! now ulzuin has become a greater mystery to us all. and perhaps such great mystery will be unravelled at a more approppriate timing. like in gd 2.

well as man said I believe Ulzuin become founder of empire…well we can say Menhir’s most devout followers uses everlasting flames…
so what can we say about it…
“The burning hammer of the Guardians of Menhir.” and Ring of Everlasting Flame (???)

Bathe yourself in incinerating flames that burn all around you to cinders, but leave you unharmed.
emissary of three learn truth about Menhir… what it the truth? …well speculate on that …

with the way how empyrion & korvaak have strong affinity for flame. and who knows several other celestials associated with them (including ulzuin), menhir feels like another unique celestial with flame affinity but also earth affinity due to menhir’s strong connection to cairn. similar with vire who also got strong connection with cairn.

i gotta say there’s still a lot of missing pieces on menhir to make a decent lore discussion on him. we haven’t even seen any temple of menhir or any menhir related character excluding the emissary who seems to not want to talk about menhir.

ulzuin and menhir seems to be important celestials to overall grim dawn lore, just like empyrion and korvaak. it wouldn’t do those two justice if their mysteries are revealed in small content updates. gd2 is the more appropriate place for their unravelling.

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I think Menhir earlier role is more like Gaia or Demeter, he flourish life on Cairn, coveted by farmer and those that want to defend their homeland so it make sense if the Erulan Empire put Menhir as the highest god as I believe the Empire have many enemies. We also know that those that follow Menhir erected the stone in his name and the dirt at the base of said stone are becoming a sacred object like Hallowed Ground. As long as one is a believer of Menhir and erect the stone in his name, the sacred dirt will become a powerful if not a steroided fertilizer like this Potent Manure from Homestead. About the temple of Menhir I thinks it looks like a large open field or a plaza with a single tall rock with rune in its center.

TLDR: Menhir is the nature god

About Ulzuin I think of him as a volcano god and a fusion of Hephaestus/Prometheus and Dionysus.

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yeah, menhir feels like gaia/demeter, but he’s not just about farmers and defenders. menhir ecclesiarchy also got militaristic priest/templar division in it, according to several menhir items. menhir is worshipped prominently by the erulan empire. yet there’s no mention of menhir in the korvan and arkovian empire. though arkovia has vire and ishtar who has similar role to menhir.

menhir’s role in the erulan pantheon seems to be right beneath empyrion, or even equal to him. because there’s a lot of grim dawn lore that puts much emphasis on those 2 in the erulan ecclesiarchy.

the menhir field you mentioned seems to be like small menhir shrine. i don’t recall ever seeing one in the game.

though i just remembered, there’s a church like building in malmouth that we can enter. but iirc there’s no sign of whether its for empyrion or menhir or both.

erulan is the main civ featured in grim dawn. yet i feel like only empyrion and menhir/targo got their backstories covered decently in game. feels like we are still missing the details of many other celestials associated with them. this is kinda big thing on the lore of erulan pantheon, since the luminari inquisition performed MASSIVE witch hunts throughout erulan history, on a LOT of heretical/‘heretical’ cults. kinda blurs the line of what erulan empire considers as their patron gods, and what religions and gods are heretical to them.

targo is hephaestus. prometheus is chthon. dionysus is the closest comparison for ulzuin, but ulzuin is more complex than that. ulzuin is a celestial/ascendant? warrior that is ordered by korvaak to be his right hand as ceremonial healing god. a position that is not fit for a warrior. causing him to fall into decadence, partying all the time like dionysus. but since bysmiel’s betrayal, he became like ares. only concerned about bringing vengeance and destruction to the world. there might be more secrets about ulzuin that isn’t revealed yet.

interestingly, if we look at the masteries, we can see that most of them has one or several patron celestials/ascendants as the power givers of their respective masteries:

soldier - menhir, a celestial & oleron, an ascendant

demolitionist - ulzuin, an ascendant/celestial

nightblade - no celestials/ascendants

arcanist - no celestials/ascendants, only taking aether/elemental power from the aether dimension

occultist - bysmiel/dreeg/solael, ascendants who become celestial witch gods. interestingly, occultist has no chthon affiliated skill. but the bloodsworn who are hostile occultists in the game are sworn completely to chthon

shaman - mogdrogen, a celestial titan, and ravager, a celestial

necromancer- the concept of death? the death reaper? i dunno

inquisitor - no mention of any celestials, but its very likely they are sworn to empyrion completely

oathkeeper - empyrion/menhir/vire, celestials. also implied to be able to sworn to any celestials in empyrion’s pantheon. and can also sworn to the the three witch gods, with heavy focus on dreeg for some reason.

regarding arcanist and nightblade, it is true that none of their skills describe any celestials/ascendants to be affiliated with them. but there are several celestials/ascendants who could be strongly associated with those 2 classes.
arcanist might be strongly connected to attak seru, arkovian celestial who is strongly connected to elemental forces. even though the gildam arcanum doesn’t like any of its member to worship anything except science.
nightblade might be strongly connected to either the leviathan, murmur, ateph, or even yugol. ateph has no constellation in game, but the lore notes from the yugol roguelike questline suggest a nightblade like secret order that defend the ateph cult from heretics.

with how prominent the theme of ascendance is in grim dawn, we can expect that there’ll be some new ascendants who can become celestials in gd2. i’m expecting a chaotic faction wars in gd2. so many celestials/‘celestials’. so many ascendants. so many opportunists. what a grim dusk.

The devotions lore mentions that Mogdrogen was a “titan” before he became a god, were titans also created to serve the gods like the aetherials? Maybe a more powerful form of servitor? The aetherials IMO were exiled by the gods on whose side they fought in the war of the gods, otherwise why speak of a betrayal? If there’s a betrayal it has to be done by your supposed allies. That’s why the aetherials seem to be pissed off at all the gods, some of them exiled them for not being good enough to win the war (Korvaak and company), and the others were their enemies during the war to begin with.

It also amazes me the amount of people that believe that the Aetherials are in the right in attacking and wiping out humanity and that Cairn belongs to them by divine right, when it’s stated time and time again in the lore that they are just one of the gods many creations.

there’s not much info about what titan is in gd. but since mogdrogen can ascend into celestial (i’m just basing this on his race being celestial, and his power over the wilds, thunder, and rhowari people), it seems they are more similar to the ascendants in the way they gain power. maybe the difference between ascendants and titans is that ascendants are human who become demigod through various means, while titans are demigod created directly by celestial magic… lastly, we never know who created mogdrogen and if mogdrogen still serve a master.

yes, the aetherials serve empy & korvy’s pantheons of gods in their war against some group of celestials who later desperately tap into chthon’s void dimension and fall into madness, yet defeating empy & korvy 's forces (and the aetherials) with ease.

korvaak never mentioned anything about aetherials in the main game, AoM, or FG, which is pretty strange imo. and the aetherials have not been mentioned or present at all in FG, which was probably because imo korvaak will instantly mind control them again to become his slave if they go near the korvaan basin. look at how easily korvaak and okaloth the messenger mind control most of kymon’s chosen into serving him.

imo many of the eldritch constructs and wraiths serving korvaak feels like korvaak replacing the aetherials with magical beings he created from the eldritch realm. maybe korvaak knows the aetherials are a lost cause, due to them failing to help win the war, and some of their factions try to conquer cairn for their deserved reward. its most likely korvaak will just crush all of the aetherials he encountered, though korvaak has much more vendetta against the chthonians.

what people? players in forums? or the many possessed aetherial-human hybrids in the game? anasteria mentioned when the taken 1st met her, that to become one with an aetherial is to lose everything that defines you as a person. so its most likely those aetherial human hybrids who stubbornly insist cairn belongs to them by divine right are just the aetherials inside them speaking their will.

and remember that those aetherials are aetherial invader faction that thinks they deserve to reign over cairn for their effort during war of the gods, and no primordial celestial can hold any leash over them anymore. they are not the only factions of aetherials. we haven’t met the aetherial factions in the aetherhold who chose to stay in there (perhaps to rest in peace forever, accepting their fate). we might met some of them in gd 2, since hagarrond, the aetherial hybrid we can rescue in the fleshwork seems to be wanting to return to aetherhold and warn the aetherials there about the mess in cairn.

Do we know anything behind the circumstances involving the creation of a ‘god’, in its loosest term? To be more specific, an Ascendent like Mog, I suppose, would be a fitting example, e.g., are they created from scratch or were they mortal before granted godhood? And so on.

primordial celestial gods(empyrion, korvaak etc) and beings (yugol etc) exist at the beginning of the universe just like that. those being are just… be. though the celestial gods can be banished to galaxies far away among the dark space and be forgotten (dunno if they still exist at this state).
there’s no explanation how they were created. they’re called primordial for that reason.

ascendants and titans are demigods. ascendants are mortals that achieve demigod status through blessing from a patron celestial, or through gaining lots of followers that worship them due to some great achievements. ascendant powers can also be passed on through family descendants (such as rahn the korvan sun god’s many incarnations through generations of chosen individuals).

ascendancy can also be gained by taking some portion of celestial gods power forcefully. the 3 witch gods for examplr had uplifted themselves above the demigod status of ascendants into eldritch gods by stealing korvaak’s eldritch throne and making cults worshipping them.

titans’ lore are more obscure. mogdrogen is a titan created (this means titans are more artificial in its creation compared to ascendants) by unknown celestial gods in war of the gods. but mogdrogen also achieved the status of godhood for cairn’s wildlie using methods similar the 3 witch gods. namely by stealing the ravager’s domain over the wild, and having the rhowari people worship him. when asked if mogdrogen was a mortal once, he avoids answering the question, instead asked back if the taken was a fool once (meaning that mogdrogen might suspects the taken for seeking ways to obtain godhood. so he refuse to answer that. he doesn’t like having rivals. and he’s hostile to the 3 witch gods).

ulzaad is another known titan in the constellation page. ulzaad is stated to be korvaak’s herald. he is loyal only to korvaak (this possibly means titans can switch masters or go rogue like humans of cairn and the aetherials). but when korvaak was sealed, ulzaad lost purpose of his existence, and succumbed to madness and despair. dunno where ulzaad is now, maybe ulzuin knows. his name is almost similar to ulzaad. maybe they’re related?

maybe in gd2 we’ll meet more titans, and we can learn how the celestial gods created titans. we already have a lot of ascendants in gd 1.


SPOILERS for the new patch, I guess, but nothing really earth-shattering. Seems the followers of Cht’hon existed even as far back as Arkovia. Naren Kur funnily enough, got the immortality he craved despite not being present for Uroboruuk’s curse, I guess being Arkovian, he was affected regardless.

it isn’t surprising if bloodsworn cult of ch’thon existed even before korvan empire’s golden age, considering korvaak & empyrion’s forces’ battle against the ch’thonians in war of the gods. korvaak & his ascendants’ inquisition bodies (such as the ateph nightblades) keep the korvan people from knowing heretical cults like morgoneth’s yugol cult or the bloodsworn of ch’thon. because korvaak & other celestials/ascendants need that daily worship button pressed by their masses without faltering.

its nice to see more lore about the arkovians. i’m curious about the ascendants (rattosh/vire/attak seru etc) and titans (mogdrogen & perhaps several others) that rule cairn in arkovian age, considering that uroboruuk in his dying breath states that he had lived through the end of war of the gods and many empires led by ascendants/mortals.


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What is wrong with Burrwitch village ? I mean before the grim dawn… You see, nearly every crazy cult rooted in that village !!..

  1. Follower of the three have big big temple near!!
  2. Mad priests converting People to blood worshiping cult of Ch’thon in their cathedral!!
  3. Dead worshiping savages keep Kallis-ka in East marsh!!!
  4. Beneath the village …forgotten god worshipers (Korvaak) gather!!
  5. Aetherials are already possessing people left and right???

whats is wrong with this place!!!

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The best place to hide is right under your opponent nose, considering the Cathedral in Burrwitch is a place for Menhir worshipping, that means the Luminari most of the time will not bother going to there that much as they consider there is nothing foul going in there.

Turns out the priest was disappointed with serving Menhir and turn his way to Chthon and slowly converting his folk to Chthon.

The East Marsh is full of trolls and grobles making it a no man lands and not much of adventurer going there, so make sense anything can happen there.

Wait where did this come from?

The Harbor in Burrwitch receive steady supply of Prisoner from Malmouth under Warden Krieg request to be used as his experiment of raising the dead with Aetherial power, those that he find worthy are instead be possessed by aether spirit.

Ask Harvey, he lives there longer than any person I can find. He has seen enough shits happening there.


in one of the cellar beneath burrwitch village there’s a korvaak mural. its been there since vanilla full release i think.

there’s also a crossbow called curse of burrwitch. it signifies burrwitch’s role as a place where dark powers gather beneath erulan empire’s nose.

personally i think the name itself makes the village cursed. BRRRR (SHIVERS)… WITCH (duh)…

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you can see here… still forgotten god shire can be found under the village…

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Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. I thought that it was implied in some of the lore notes but I can’t find it.

Not as the cursed Korvaak_save_me.mp3? or in case of Kaisan Korvak shave me.


how do we fit Acidic Aldric and Rektby Protoss in the lore? who these guys? :sweat_smile:

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PvP tournament winners

""It was our tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement and commemoration of the community driven PVP tournaments that ran over the summer. Both of the winners had their exact builds and equipment added as mini-bosses along with a medal that should make any future PVP endeavors more interesting.

We enjoyed the tournaments and seems the community did too, so this was our way of saying “keep it up!”


They came from beyond the Void to wreck faces. And that they do!

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