It’s the same model as the Loghorrean, just with less eyes and in green, plus octopus-like gills. It also has extra tentacle models that are more regular suckered squid tentacles than the Loghorrean’s. I wonder if this will be some hidden secret boss?
I’d actually love if that happened…
Heh, maybe it’ll be a level where a rift opens and you are transported to Rhodos, and defeat the Kraken by toppling the Colossus over it… so basically it is revealed that your hero from Grim Dawn was the one who killed the Kraken in Titan Quest’s Act V.
He could be something similar to the Watchers of Valbury except he’s stationary. We can say for sure that this isn’t the final dungeon boss as we already know Galgabor is one of those Ugdenbog Giants and will probably deal Vitality and Chaos damage
This Kraken guy, he looks interesting. Would be a pretty big troll if he turns out to be a docile NPC whom you can interact with (and have an optional boss fight when picking the wrong choice)
I don’t think he’s an unused model though. I don’t recall seeing this when I skimmed over base game assets
He’ll be the new roguelike dungeon trader - he sells every blueprint in the game, but each time you buy one there’s a 99% chance it’ll be soaked in seawater and unreadable. :rolleyes:
Yeah, he is definitely new, I checked the base game assets in viewer before and he was not there. Btw, only I named it Kraken. He is under “Boss…”-something.
I was wondering - Creed does mention when you are trying to get to Malmouth that the seas are unreliable for passage North, as horrible monsters are said to now inhabit it. Maybe this is one of them?
Or he will want some tentacle hentai-time with your character, meaning the screen goes blank for half an hour if you purchase from him.
Yes, he is likely to be so - I just managed to find the kraken_01.dbr in asset manager, and the description is “tagGDX1MiniBoss_Bog01”. Also, it belongs to the Beast Faction.
There is also a “Basilisk Roguelike” entry.
Me? I think they’re finally going to add hairstyles to the game, and he’s the stylist. All those tentacles for combs and spray bottles. Unlimited simultaneous braiding. He’s a natural.
What the heck is that supposed to mean? Loghorrean’s purpose is to take back the blood that was stolen so he wasn’t doing anything bad.
Galgabor, The Heart of the Wild might be the dungeon boss imo. Or maybe he’s only a quest boss similar to Archivist Thelon
But if he’s a quest boss then Galgabor shouldn’t drop any MIs but he does drop an MI much like other Roguelike Dungeon bosses (Alkamos, Shar’Zul and Van Aldritch).
Does Glock’s Map Decompiler work for the expac as well?
Plus we saw that the Loghorrean is kinda dead now.
I found assets showing the skills the Kraken has, and yeah, that is the name, too.
Galgabor, The Heart of the Wild might be the dungeon boss imo. Or maybe he’s only a quest boss similar to Archivist Thelon
But if he’s a quest boss then Galgabor shouldn’t drop any MIs but he does drop an MI much like other Roguelike Dungeon bosses (Alkamos, Shar’Zul and Van Aldritch).
A lot of Unique monsters unrelated to quests drop Monster Infrequents - Bargoll or Packla for example. But yeah, I expect you will be locked in a death room with the Kraken and it will be a miniboss fight. And yes, the asset shows it is a quest-related boss.