SR Boss Room Not Ending

Every now and then I complete an SR boss room and the timer just keeps going and Mazaan doesn’t pop in to give me a pat on the back. Usually this only lasts a few dozen seconds, then the game wakes up. But today, I completed a boss room at SR80, final boss killed was Zantarin, and the timer just refused to end. I ran around the boss room for upwards of 2 minutes looking for perhaps a Zantarin summon that spawned under the map or something, but found nothing. Being at a loss, I thought that perhaps the game was counting my pseudo-summons (Blade Spirits) as hostiles. So I unequipped a piece of gear to unsummon them and boom, timer instantly ends, Mazaan spawns, everything normal.

I can’t recall off the top of my head if every instance of the timer bug occurred when I had some sort of a summoned entity accompanying me. But I can say for sure that unsummoning my stuffs, or, at the very least, removing an item from my inventory inexplicably worked in this instance.

The other bosses I fought in the boss room were Margul the Rotting, Benn’Jahr, and I think Inarah the Afflicted or Navan the Usurper, but I’m not sure on that one, kinda zoned out but I think it was a humanoid. I don’t think any of the enemies I faced have an ability to mind control pets to make the game count the Spirits as hostile.

Hopefully this helps identify the cause.

Well I guess those are related then:

Never really stopped me from completing SR though, prior the lastest patch that is. Haven’t played much in, so I’ll keep an eye on such behaviour. Was boss music still playing?

Yep. But I’m not sure these two are related. It’s logical that the music will keep playing if the game doesn’t consider the boss room complete. But then you have instances where the boss room completes just fine and then you proceed to the next chunk and boss music continues playing for like 10-15 seconds inside the chunk. May be two different bugs.

That may happen if you have left the boss room with some “pets” active, like mortars, totems, runes, mines (even Arcane Bomb), etc. They continue to “live” there, and only when their duration expires, boss music goes away. Or something of that sort.

So that’s why I figured those are related, as my example with Guardians indicates. It’s very similar with the only difference being that Mazaan does appear.

Can player-scaled pets be mind controlled at all? I though only regular pets can, hence mind control resist for pets exist. But I can’t remember seeing that happen either, I think it’s extremely rare.

That’s strange cause normally stuff like Mortars times out immeduately upon you leaving the room (scratch that, Mortars don’t, even though I think they used to when last I played the build). Either way, I just did a 75-80 run on a mortar build and the music bug only happened once even though mortars were in the boss room every time. The boss room completion bug hasn’t happened at all in that run.

I don’t think player-scaled pets can be mind-controlled but maybe the game tries anyway? Like how Tip the Scales used to proc on invulnerable stuff like Fabius’ Blade Spirits or those rocks in Lokarr’s Edge of Reality (which would sometimes actually kill the rocks, they’d stop moving or attacking like they’re dead). Maybe a proc tries to apply mind control to pseudopets, the game registers the pets as enemies but the pet behaviour doesn’t change cause they can’t be mind-controlled? I dunno, I’m just spitballing, from what I’ve discerned from this instance, there wasn’t anybody around who even could mind-control, yet the death of my Blade Spirits was what triggered the boss room completion, that’s why my brain jumped to mind-control.

Maybe it has nothing to do with mind-control at all and there’s just some wonky trigger. This is the first time where the boss room suddenly completed for me as a direct result of something I did, usually I just wait and it completes on its own, so I don’t have a clear idea of what did the trick in those other instances or whether I had summons or ground effects active at the time.

Mhm. Neither do Storm totems, Inq. Seal, Arcane Bombs and stuff; just did a run with a Light’s Defender Vindicator to double check if they disappear upon leaving the area - and yep, sure enough totems and bombs were still tracked. Only when the last totem expired (and shortly after the last bomb apparently, since they have longer life time), boss music stopped playing in the new chunk.

I guess pseudo pets can get “stuck” with some sort of debuff, DoT, or something, hell, I dunno anymore… XD

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