I like to play each character in their own little sectioned off save file, and then move them over to my main save when the character is “done”. i.e level 100, finished the game, farmed it’s own gear. I can currently do this with some file-swapping shenanigans, but it would be great if there was a SSF system similar to PoE’s. I have no idea how hard this would be to implement and I know that the people who would enjoy this mode would be in the minority.
A character save file that has no access to the shared stash and other save files.
Normally in Grim Dawn you have not only the character save files (player.gdc which contains the character data itself and levels_world001.map which holds the explored map data and quests) but also one for the transfer stash (transfer.gst), crafting recipes (formulas.gst), and illusions (transmutes.gst). These files are shared between all characters. Each of these files also has an equivalent for Hardcore, which are sectioned off from the Softcore files.
OP is asking for a mode where these save files are always sectioned off from the others, so each character has its own files for the stash, recipes and illusions. Which I think is a good idea, so +1 from me.
I think OP means system similar to Last Epochs “Character Found” mode? In Path Of Exile SSF-characters share stash space with other SSF characters in same league/mode.
I think the feature would be really great addition to GD.
I want each character to be in it’s own little universe that it shares with no other characters. No shared blueprints, no shared stash, no shared unlocks of any kind.
I’d also like a button to merge it into the “standard” HC or SC save, similar to PoE’s system.
As I said in the OP, I can already do this with some file swapping shenanigans, but it does mean I have to play with local saves, and if (for example, for no particular reason) my PC were to break somehow, I’d better be able to access the hard drive with another PC, because otherwise all those saves are gone, because they’re not on the cloud anywhere.
Yeah I want this too. I think it’s fine to keep the transfer stash on SSF characters. You can simply not take any items out.
As for blueprints, I think implementing SSF would be easy. Right now there is a global blueprints file in the save folder. All characters read and write to this file. For SSF, you should have a second blueprints file in each characters folder. All characters write found blueprints to both files. SSF characters should read blueprints from their local file. Regular characters should read blueprints from the global file. Then you could even toggle SSF on and off whenever, like Veteran mode.