Stacking Aura/Buffs?

Hello, extremely new to the game(Someone dragged me into it) and I’m liking what I’m seeing so forgive me if this is a really basic/noobie question.

So I want to play this mulitplayer with friends but there’s always something that game do… odd is stacking.

If both me and a friend have the same aura/buff ability turned on do they stack with each other? Or does the highest level override it? For an example, if both of us have Demolitionist and have Flame Touched turned on, what happens?

If they stack then fine, we can play whatever we want. If they don’t well might need to see what we want to play as to not waste some skill points.

Again sorry if this is a noob question but it’s something I’d like to know before hand.

They won’t stack I believe, whoever has the most points in Flame Touched will override the other’s aura so yes, having different masteries is preferable if you want to play multiplayer.

Okay thank you.

To answer the question that you didn’t ask, but that always comes up on this topic -

The aura with the highest base skill is the one that goes into effect (as Evil_Baka says), which can really ballz up two people trying to use Iskandra’s El Exch for different purposes. In other words, if one of them uses weapons, so takes IEE (the base skill), and the other is a caster, so wants to max out Overload/El balance… Only the aura with the higher IEE base skill will be in effect. The caster gets stuck with whatever the weapon user has spent on the two higher skills…

And just to make it really confusing, you CAN stack two of the same component skill! For example Seal of Might in the main hand and offhand will let you stack 2X Aura of Might for double resistance goodness.