Start the in Ultimate?

Hello i search a mod for start the game in ultimate, with all bags, and points stat, skill, devotion miss in normal and elite ??
And Maybe start lvl 60 ??

Thats included since FG in basegame. You must only have one char up to lvl 100 or better ultimate difficulty. Then you can go to Act 7. Theres an NPC who sells you a thing that you could give a new char.

It let you exatly do what you want :wink:

Asgra - supplier of the cult
As soon as a Char of Ultimate difficulty enters the Conclave of the Three, he can buy the Meritorious Savior Stone from the merchant Asgra. This stone can be placed in the transfer area and has the following characteristics:

  • Unlocks difficulty level Ultimate
  • Unlocks attribute / abilities rewards from lower difficulty quests
  • Unlocks Riftgates on lower levels of difficulty
  • Unlocks all inventory pockets

hello and thx.
If i understand i must go act 7. Speak with Asgra and buy the Savior stone, and place the stone in the transfer area stach, and it s ok ??

Yes and then you give the stone a new char and i think you must right click on it (look at the description of the stone).

But you can only buy it on ultimate difficulty in act 7. Put it in shared stash. Then take it with a new char.

Yes. Once you have a character in Ultimate, kill the Warden in Act 1 you will be able to access the FG content and buy the tokens to put in the transfer stash for your other characters to use.

Ok, thx guys.
I rush for ultimate act 7.

Bear in mind that the Merit doesn’t give you Devotion points, and you still start at Lv1 rather than something like Lv60. You level up very fast though.

Yeah, and foes will hit much harder in Ultimate with a low level character.

You can see how it all works here (about 14 minutes in)

Starting in Ultimate sucks.

Even with starter gear from previous characters, because you get A LOT of xp from quest, and the gear can´t keep up. It soon becomes too difficult.

I usually play vetran uo to lvl 50, and tgen simply skip Elite, works for me.
One could also start in Elite, I guess that would be much less painful.

My 5 cents.

Tsuelue, i can play only 30mn/1h per day, a bit more weekends (Job, wife, childrens, life, etc)
So ok for one caracter, but if i wanna up others, it s too long for me.

Iknow i speak english like a 6 years old children ^^

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You can do this with a different Mod. You copy over an existing character, respec it (so you can choose different classes), and set it’s level to whatever you want.

You now have all the devotion points/ attribute points/ etc of the copied character, and all the bags/ rift gates as well. The only down side is that you also have completed all the quests as well, so leveling up takes longer.