Starting Endgame - Help

Hi all,

Newbie with 200hrs and counting.
These are my SC characters.
(I also have a pet conjurer on HC that im working on)

I’ve made a few characters so far and wondering what items I should be looking out for to further my progress into endgame and celestial bosses etc. I understand that there are already some pre-existing endgame guides for all these builds but was hoping for some more personalised advice based on the items I already have and what I could aim for (certain sets to look out for or certain MI affixes)

Lv 100 DW Purifier

Lv 98 Primal Strike Druid

LV 95 Acid RTA Sentinal

Out of these three builds I think the druid is most “complete” and I should probably focus on 1 to farm some SR for item. I have a blueprint for stronghold set but not the dagalon set so cant do much for the purifier. Also I have none of the pieces of the Sentinal of the three set nor the blueprint so the RTA sentinal is stuck at the “budget” perdition version for now.

Would like some help especially in terms of optimising component choices and augments.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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Seeing as how your Druid is most complete, I’d play that while farming gear both for itself and your other builds. For an AA build (auto-attacking-well PS isn’t “true” AA but regardless, it needs attack speed) you were severely gimped at 144% or whatever shit you had. That’s bad. So I optimized devotions; which weren’t bad to be fair but lacked the mandatory for ranged Hydra and Ultos for lightning. (Needs of alacrity suffix on weapon as well). I hope you have the blueprints for components that I have linked; if you don’t that’s fine. Just play totems and dungeons till you find them. Your skill distribution was pretty good as well, I did tweak them a bit for some optimization and such. You gained an extra button, storm totems to proc Tempest devotion, but build isn’t exactly piano so whatever lol.

As for gear, I tried to keep most of your choices, they’re fine actually although I switched pants and medal. Look for resistances on pants, literally anything half decent will do that can cover resistances.

2000 hrs and counting, it’s just a number. You learn along the way. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you switch the weapon I actually have another sparkthrower with alacrity. Maybe that’s better for more AS?

Well yes, you need lots of attack speed on the weapon. So it’s definitely better.