Starting Town - Devil's Crossroads

Funny, pretty much how I thought when I saw the choices…I voted Devil’s Crossing as I like the sound of it better, but Crossroads actually fits the description better, kind of a toss up between the two for me (not the mention the song title).

Also really like the idea of coming back to a town for recognition, as well as NPCs (everyone loved Deckard Cain lol).


I HAD THE SAME THOUGHT. Devil’s Crossing rolls off the tongue better, which is why I voted for it. But I too like the whole crossroads thing (ever watch the show Supernatural?).

Either way I’m sure people will give it an abbreviation. That happens a lot.

Edit- @Soul: Copy cat. I had the thought before you :confused:

LOL, that was too funny…

Either way I’ll be happy no matter how things turn out. :slight_smile:


Good to see these updates, I voted Crossroads, “The Devil’s Crossroads.”

Not much I could see to suggest, it will be cool to see a structure or 2 built (like towers) after doing a few quests.

I really like the look of this, not just graphically but stylistically. It sort of gives me that “Diablo II - Act 1” feeling. Also, the stuff about things changing after certain quests sounds great.

I want to see more!

“Papa Legba” is my vote. I think you should save the devil for later. Start somewhere less intense.

Out of the choices, I like Crossing best, but there is a horrible “movie” coming out soon with the name “Devil’s Crossing”.

But of course, the site of anything GD-related makes my heart race. You could call it MacDonalds for all I care. Just put in some monsters and a nice axe and I’m there.

In Haitian Vodou, Papa Legba is the intermediary between the loa and humanity. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, and is believed to speak all human languages. He is always the first and last spirit invoked in any ceremony[1], because his permission is needed for any communication between mortals and the loa - he opens and closes the doorway.


Devil’s T-junction?

I’d probably go for Crossing, since it’s missing a road to make it a crossroad.


This has me a bit worried…you make it sound like the initial release will be somewhat short of content.

Devils Crossing - Just sounds way smoother than all the other options.

Also cast my vote for Devil’s Crossing. It just has a sound of a place that you’d like to return to again. Well, in a game at least.

How did you arrive at that conclusion based on a couple details about the starting area? I wouldn’t use the number of bridges in the game as an indicator of the amount of content. Each bridge connects you to a different region of the world. For all you know they could be Greece, Egypt, and China. (they won’t of course but I’m just saying…)

Naturally this game won’t be as long as TQ but we’ve just started building the actual levels and even with only about 20% of the world laid out and no quests, I’d say there is already easily 5+ hrs of gameplay. For $20 I think it will be a pretty fucking good value once we’re finished.

As a funny aside though… I remember people complaining about how TQ was too short when it came out. It was hilarious, I saw this rant from one guy who said he’d already gone through the game with every character class and seen all the content and the game was a total ripoff. His Xfire tag posted in his signature indicated that he’d played almost 500hrs of TQ… I mean common! Seriously!?

Just the way it sounded…like each direction had only a couple areas or something. I didn’t say it was short, just it sounded a bit short. Don’t mean to imply anything that was just my impression.

If that’s the case I’d very much agree.

And I know you were just making an example, but I was not one to claim TQ was short either in length or in content. In my humble opinion TQ is probably the most content rich ARPG ever released.

I hope my butt kissing has put me back in your good grace, sir :smiley:

Ah, well, I was just mentioning the first things to be encountered in either direction. That isn’t the entirety of the game.

You were never out of it - but butt kissing is never a waste!

Actually if you’re not too stuck on crossing/crossroads you might consider The Devil’s Switch. Should be easier to pronounce and carries more innuendo than crossing does.


But switch doesn’t convey, to me, a “location”.

I too voted for “devils crossing”…it just sounds more like a town name.
Crossroads makes me think of just a section of road, and “fork” makes me think of a land mark.

You could also name it “Purgatory” …?
Or has that name been over-used too much already?

For some odd reason this topic makes me think how cool it would be to have a little run down shack of our own, to store things and possibly collect trophies (boss heads, hands, horns, other body appendages).
And as you complete more of the story & quests your shack goes from ruins to repaired humble abode.
I don’t know why, but it just sounds appealing to me.
I guess all the excitement will do that. :smiley:

Could be a neat twist on the caravan idea, instead of a traveling trader have a quick shortcut you can use to teleport to say your beginning town (Devil’s Crossroads?) where you eventually get all the NPCs as well as a little shack of your own with a chest/stash located there. Could leave it open to add other things later on as well. :slight_smile:


I’m in favor of Devil’s Fork because well there isn’t enough roads for a cross road and from the pic it kind of looks like a big 3 tine fork (if you squint real hard).