Stash space

Please read the post above with Medierra’s comments about this…Yes having too much storage space is a problem for some people and it does detract seriously from the game, esp when you realise that you’ve spent more time in your stash sorting it out than actually playing the game.

Nobody would force them to use the extra storage space. Gamers who are comfortable with the currently available stash size could simply not unlock the extra tabs.

That is such a nonsense theory. If you have it, you will use it. You might as well say we increase the unique drop rate by 100 and anyone who thought the old one is fine or just wanted a small increase should not pick up most of them, that won’t work either, (almost) everyone will pick them up.

Otoh if you do want more space, there are already ways for you to get that (mods and tools) without affecting anyone else…

So we limit the space to everybody, because some people are so dim*, that let’s say 50 stash pages are too much for them, but they’re using the extra space anyway.
I thougth the expansion added extra stash because there is a demand for it without using mods.

(*I don’t mean you.)

It added one more personal and transfer stash tabs.

Trying to use insults will not help.

This is one of those things that’s like trying to explain colour to a blind person, if you have no problems using a massive / infinite stash it’s impossible to understand that other people do have problems with this. Even the suggestion of “just not unlock them” doesn’t work as it’s not until you have too many that you realise you have too many because you’re spending more time hunting through your inv than playng the game.

Still this is a subject that has been discussed repeatedly and all we are doing is simply rehashing the same arguments from years ago and that’s not going to change anything.

The game is fully moddable and single player, so add whatever stash mod you want and stop insulting people that don’t want a massive stash.

I think tituspullo and baloche have legitimate concerns and i am glad to see the new blood coming to the forums with FG’s release. I personally would love to see a complete overhaul to storage. I mean we just got a complete overhaul to item filtering why not storage as well?

I used to store all my Titan quest items in i think it was called TQVault. I never want to do that again.

I guarantee you tituspullo, baloche and i are not the only ones who would like to see much better item storage and organization done in the game. I would be willing to pay Crate to do this as a paid DLC as i have said in the past. There is no reason a paid DLC could not be done for organization and storage of items.

In the past Crate has made it clear they don’t want to muck around with storage. Grim Dawn has become a much bigger game then they ever anticipated, they can still grow and adapt to what customers want.

it is the same concern that has been raised every once in a while since day one. If Crate wanted to do something about it, they probably would have by now

I personally would love to see a complete overhaul to storage. I mean we just got a complete overhaul to item filtering why not storage as well?

storage is a lot more work though

I used to store all my Titan quest items in i think it was called TQVault. I never want to do that again.

so basically you are saying making it 50 stash pages is not a good idea ?

I guarantee you tituspullo, baloche and i are not the only ones who would like to see much better item storage and organization done in the game. I would be willing to pay Crate to do this as a paid DLC as i have said in the past.

Yes, infinite storage with good search functionality instead of too many unwieldy pages… this already exists in at least two tools already however and Crate implementing their own seems unlikely (although I would like that, for being properly integrated)

I too would pay for a stash expansion dlc.

With so many legendaries, a lot of which I want to keep duplicate copies of, I find the current shared stash is inadequate. It’s becoming more of a problem since FG was released as there were a lot of items added and nowhere near as much stash space to compensate (mainly talking about shared stash). I’ll fully admit I’m one of the ‘hoarding’ type people who don’t want to trash something ‘in case I need it one day’. I’m glad I do though because quite regularly I find that I DO need something I didn’t think I needed previously. Also with how long it can take to get certain drops due to RNG it really reinforces the desire to keep ‘one of everything’ because I have no idea or not if it was a ‘lucky drop’ or not.

Despite all that I do trash a lot of legendaries I know I don’t need as well.

It’s also not just legendaries it’s things like decent epics and green MI’s. I could fill a whole tab with green MI trousers that I want to keep alone.

It’s a headache figuring out what to keep in shared stash. All of my lvl 100 chars have a tab for MI’s, a tab for Epics and one/two tabs for legendaries so they’re effectively turning into Mules (which I hate) because I have to load them in and sort through inventories when I ‘think’ I have a legendary I want but don’t know where it is. Or worse it turns out I don’t have it and I cycled through 8 characters’ inventories for nothing.

Also when it comes to clearing out stuff I don’t want I don’t know for sure if I have that item stored already on another character so don’t know whether to scrap it or not. It’s just a mess now.

I also don’t want to use any third party mods. That’s just my decision so I’ll make do with what we have but the main reason I stopped playing Diablo 3 entirely was lack of stash space. Grim Dawn does have better stash options than D3 though, D3 was very limited.

I know some people say people will ‘always ask for more’ but that’s not the whole story, sure if you have a finite stash size there will still be people asking for more but the more stash space you give the less people there will be asking for more. There is a finite stash amount that would work for me. Probably something like another row of tabs on the shared stash.

Also I’ve never seen anyone post saying there’s too much stash space.

Same here. I’ve heard Blizz admitted recently it’s a technological limitation
(all items of all people in a party are loaded into your memory or something like that)
You can call me hoarder but I liked my items, even those which I knew would never be meta [but were cool for some reason]
Wolfshoes, honestly, stop self-hurting yourself and install Item Assistant :wink:

Cries in Shared Stash

The devs said for years that teleport won’t happen and now we have it. There is always hope. :slight_smile:

Because they usually have quit playing the game (whatever it is) by that point because it changes from a fun enjoyable experience to one where they realise they are spending more time trying to sort out everything that has been dumped into the stash instead of playing the game, it reduces the pleasure of playing and they gradually play less and finally stop playing. Had this in PoE and was one of the many, many reasons I stopped playing.

The majority of players probably never even post on game forums, they just play the game until finished or they are bored of it.

Or they quit playing the game when they realise they are spending more time to decide which hard earned gear they must sell and which ones they can keep instead of playing the game…

If somebody wants a bigger stash, they must use mods. Many players don’t like third party tools.
If somebody wants a smaller stash, they can simply not unlock the additional space.
Which is the easier solution? Forcing people to use unofficial mods or simply not unlocking something you don’t want to use?

Both are valid reasons and no reason why both types of player don’t exist in the same game, it’s not an exclusive one or the other, what’s too much for one is not enough for the other

As for simply “don’t use it” (that’s the 2nd time you’ve suggested the self same thing in this thread and been given replies why) it’s not until after you have too much space that it becomes a problem for some people and no-one knows what that amount is for themsleves until it’s too late. A limit on stash space has to be set somewhere unless it’s unlimited and regardless of what limit is set there will always be people wanting more…there are mods to sort this and the game is sold as fully moddable and most of the mods are direct off the official forums so it’'s not like some dodgy back ally mods that might or might not be safe.

Edit… I don’t think anything new is being said on either side that isn’t already covered by Crate repeatedly. please see the post above by Medea

14th Septmber 2018 stream:
"IMayBackstab: @CrateEntertainment any plans to assimilate some of these inventory/stash mods for a 5 or 10 dollar fee? Your players would be happy to spend that while also not splintering the player base as much with mods

I mean the people who have created these utilities for you guys have done them from their own free will for free and us basically taking that and charging money for it seems very unfair to them. And from our development perspective we have design decisions for why the bags are limited as they are. It is not just arbitrarily limited to screw you guys over, there are genuine reasons why that isn’t the case. But for those of you who want more stash space, that is why we allow modding and that is why you can use those utilities so you can have as much space as you want and because they work outside of the game they don’t splinter the player base. You can’t only play with people who use GDStash or GDIA, like you can play with everybody."

it is still messy. While it’s all good and well that storage is added every new expansion alongside the droprate boosts to keep up with the item bloat, the “mid-season” item additions of “always moar” aren’t compensated for, (and unrelated, but the droprates of MIs don’t seem to reflect the extra affixes added to the game, making MI hunting worse and worse…)

Yeah I’m pretty much at that point. It’s usually the thing that makes me not wanna play GD 'cause I don’t like installing some potentially shady 3rd party apps on my machine.

Maybe some of you think I’m whiney, but I like completing sets and having an extra duplicate item here and there if i’m not sure if its better or not. The stash space definitely isn’t enough for those of us that have played a while, and don’t wanna resort to 3rd party mods. I’m well aware of Zantai and Crate Entertainment’s stance, but I’m still holding out hope that they change their minds!

I love the game, but I don’t wanna constantly be sorting through stuff. Makes me a bit sad 'cause as I see it, there’s no other ARPG I actually wanna play besides Grim Dawn.

Item Assistant source code is available to read so it’s as transparent as it gets.
Someone must have looked at it and check whether it tries to steal your credit card data or not :cool:

You mean you don’t want to enhance your gameplay with awesome tools created by hardcore GD fans :stuck_out_tongue:
They would most probably not change their minds even if item management tools were not available but since they are the case is closed because

  1. they have limited resources
  2. Zantai often uses ‘the mod is available/you can mod the game’ argument’ from what I have seen

I dont think the storage space is what the issue is. I think its how it is dispersed.

I believe the game gives too much space to single characters that we realy dont use, while keeping the shared stash the same size is what the issue is.

Lets keep it real. We mostly use the shared stash as thats what all of our chars can access.

I barely use the individual characters stash for other than keeping gear for a different builds, maybe some alternative pieces for a build or two, and thats about it.
I do not store any “stashable” gear on the rest of those tabs because my other chars cant access it, I cant keep track wheres what anyway with the amount of gear that drops, and I dont realy know how to organize them :smiley: so I gave up.

My idea would be to allow level 100 chars that completed ultimate latest expansion to buy 1 additional Shared Stash tab for fuckton of gold up to 10 tabs (now we are at 6, so 4 more) while…i guess we cant roll back the Character Individual tabs anymore…so leave those as it is…but I think 4 of those with the above change to the Shared Stash, woulda been enough.

Just my two cents.

PS: I couldnt get addons to work, so I made a ton mules. I mad peace with it.

Have a nice day. :wink:

If all you want is a handful more tabs, use the Stasher mod. While it does not increase the number of tabs, it more than doubles their size.