State of non physical Retaliation ?

Damn. I thought it would finally be good. Maybe non retal hellborne is better now.

it seems like fire retal ignaffar build might have potential, there is offhand and sword gets total %14 retal added to foi and with new items it might be possible to pull of good fire retal build, at least it seems on gtools when i theorycrafted with it.
1 thing holds me not to make/play that build is playstyle of foi/aar builds will probably feel so shit player type like me.
but any1 is really interested foi has some potential for fire retal for sure

That’s a nice and clean hellborne GT, belzz.

I was thinking something similar although I’m not too into Grenado. It couldn’t hurt to move a point from Clarity to Smite, though.

Edit: can retaliation->attack crit? (unlike standard retaliation).

This is only for my retal’ Shieldbreaker: I lost about 20-30% DPS on each skill. The defensive part didn’t change. Hellborn might still be good ?

I tried to TC that FoI Retal. The problem is that it’s very difficult to go caster and retal, item-wise.

Maybe, I haven’t tought of that till now, a Dawnshard/Dawnshield/Dawnguard Vindicator with FoI as an electrocute DoT giver ?

Retal can’t crit but the %retal part can (if I remember correctly). GT website seems compromised, I can’t open it either on PC or Mac, either on Safari, Mozilla or Chrome.

DE post nerf also has 14% and it doesn’t do a lot of damage (anymore after nerf) with phys, which is still best retal. I don’t think FoI can match that, and FoI doesn’t have the sustain too.

Note: this is another instance where you want to take the Dawnshard Hauberk as Chest Armor, but that Fire to Lightning conversion f— up your damage.

The BWC spam variant I posted above is similar.

It feels like a chunk of it’s kill power has shifted from RATA over to actual Retaliation damage, so fine on anything melee, weaker on ranged.

It’s still playable but is no longer as fast as it was before. Not complaining mind you, I’m fine with the change.

Yes, %rdata for Ranged has been hurt and was performing well just because, let’s be honest, the flat physical damage was way too high before. I’m just sad because it was a new doorway to theorycraft some hybrid retal/ranged/caster and the door has been closed a little. Physical retaliation has been nerfed overall, that’s a good thing, but the %rdata on specific skills shouldn’t have, imo: I’m OK with AA nerf (Savagery and RF) and AoM (which was almost the most damaging skill in the game) but BWC - Grenado nerf hurt.

foi has wep dmg portion sustain is not gonna be issue… you can even slap ghoul in this build and can easily get %20ish leech.

and my idea is experiencing new stuff about GD ‘fire retal added to attack’ stuff and elemental retal viablity, not to play broken busted builds. i played many of them even before discovered in forums and i am getting bored super fast from them.



this what i kinda planned for retal foi, not finished tree and didnt think much about items, just put them there till i have time to think about

my idea is making strong foi build, not going brainless stackd %100 retal dmg type… since foi has wep dmg portion and can scale flat dmg, retal added as attack with %14 portion can be quite strong.

not sure about most items, it has to be tested a lot.

and for devotion tree, i have no intention to go full meh retal, just get msnger of war + alladrahs and spread rest point to balance hp da oa crit defence. i simply cant play full braindead retal stuff.

demo can be good option aswell, even arcanist with transmuted CT looks solid to me. also with belt and some items acid retal can be squezed into build.

i have some other chars to play esp fburn casters i am testing these days, and i still afraid FoI is shit tier spell to play .
maybe will look this setup later, it seems so strong on paper and i didnt see much weakness.