I have looted a double rare MI with some cool stats (screenshot below). I decided to investigate the best affixes on grimtools and to see the min-max stats of my own item. So I realized for example that the (max % Aether Damage from the MI + max % Aether Damage from prefix + max % Aether damage from the suffix ) is smaller than the number of have on my item. I remember having felt similar things in before but never bothered calculating. Also notice that the Lightning damage on my item is higher than what the prefix should give at max. So is there something I am unaware of? Is it that grimtools is not up to date or there is some extra random stats on the base MI item that are random and are not part of any affixes?
No, I had only done the sum without actually making the whole item in grimtools (I suppose you can only do that in the build calculator not the item database right).
I think both the prefix and affix are behaving weirdly. The sum of the separate maxima is (56+134+97)%=287% but when building the whole item we see 349% and 349-287=62. In your second image with only the prefix we see 213% which should imply 213-134=79% instead of 58% (this is also weird since it is supposed to be the same value for the lightning which shows as 78%). In the full item we see 78% for lightning but 78% for Aether from Magestorm is not enough to explain the difference of 62. Hence the suffix is also bugged. I tried the item with only the suffix and saw an upper bound of 271 implying 137% (rather than 97%) for the suffix. If we do 78+134+137 we do get 349.
BUT the weirdest of all is that applying these affixes to a low level item (be it white or MI) actually gives the low values of 56 and 97 that we supposed to be incorrectly shown.
Also notice that my in-game item is behaving as shown (so if I do damage tests I get values consistent with the stats shown).
There must be something wrong with grimtools. I tested with other affixes and on a sword. The same thing happened, maybe the shown database is out of date while the actual database is up to date and correct.
I think the reason is that affixes in general worked different when applied to different items and Dammit needs a particular item type to calculate affix stats precisely. And otherwise uses some simpler approximation for detached affixes. I think here Dammit writes about it. But I’m not sure. Heart of Malmouth Stats - #15 by Dammitt
% dmg affixes scale slightly with item level
so 92 affix applied to 94 base item will result in slightly higher %dmg than base affix lists
lvl 94 base item with 92 magestorm prefix
It is possible that they scale but in this case, the base level is definitely not the affix level. For instance applying level 92 affix to a level 84 item give already much higher % Damage than the “base affix”. The base level must be low. I tried the affix (level 92) on a level 5 item (white), level 12 and 20 MI and I was still getting the base but at level 35, it changed. For example the the 56% damage became 67% then for the level 55 item it became 73%. But this logic is totally flawd imo because there are low level affixes, and normally you would never find a level 92 affix on a level 35 item.
you can however get a 92 affix on a base 84 item and a 84 affix on a base 94 item
why “base” base affix is higher than GT lists, ie lvl 92 affix max dmg 60% on a lvl 1 item i can’t tell you
why and how exactly affix dmg “formual” scales to item level i can’t tell you either
all i can tell you is that they do to some degree, it’s also not unique to weapons, happens on the other item slots too
why it also only happens to dmg stats i don’t know either, but flat or %dmg seem to be the only thing that scales somewhat like that iirc
Just to reiterate, there’s nothing “wrong” with GT if you understand how stat scaling works. The main issue (if you want to call it that) is that affix stats are based on items they are attached to, so you can’t show “correct” values for affixes in item db or calc if you just look at the affix in vacuum (without attaching it to an item). So what you see in affix cards in db/calc is raw values. Use calc and attach affixes to an item to see actual values.
As mentioned by The_Coyote, these are the stats of the item in question in GT, everything looks OK to me compared to the ingame image.
The post linked by tqFan describes in details how the stats are calculated.
It depends on “attributeScalePercent” stat that is set per item. For Groble Stone Effigy with item level it’s as follows: