
Even still Grim Dawn sold 9000 doesnt matter, there is no support to the streamers. And for Grim Dawn to be at the top of the sites all the time, go support the streamers so Grim Dawn stays on the top of the sites, and more people know about Grim Dawn.

When you are at the office watch to support them, or at home if you have several monitors or two laptops with a desktop.

Never understood why someone would rather watch someone else enjoy a game rather than enjoy the game themselves :confused: so you are promoting that people should watch twitch at work rather than hmm I don’t know be productive at the profession that they are being paid for? Yeah I get your point but I’d think people should enjoy the game for themselves rather than watch someone else. If you don’t have enough money to buy a copy, maybe you shouldn’t be spending your free time watching someone play a video game.

that’s the most gratuitously negative comment I’ve seen all day, and it tells a lot since I’ve been on the internet all afternoon. why do you even care if some people enjoy watching gameplay? it’s video games. being entertaining is its purpose. some streamers are good at talking and keeping it interesting. it’s also a nice way to have a first taste of the game if one has not decided whether or not to buy it. it’s free publicity for crates.

besides what is it with the “watch twitch instead of work” part? op didn’t say anything remotely close to that.

In the last few days, there have been streamers with 400, 300, 150ish viewers… Those are NEW viewers for streamers that are coming from elsewhere…

So, with those larger streamers coming in, it is exposing Grim Dawn a lot more. Don’t see that everyone who has bought Grim Dawn, need to show support to a streamer and watch them, when they probably want to play themselves.

I am saying when you or they are at the office, Some people at the office dont have a lot of work that is when people should support the streamers. That is what I was talking about, it also makes Grim Dawn at the top of the sites. And because of that gets Grim Dawn known and its marketing too. I work in marketing and supporting the streamers (when you are at the office and dont have a lot of work,) will get Grim Dawn known and make crate devs $.