I wanted to know if this devotion worth it for a tank melee character. I don’t really know if physical damages are the most dangerous thing I should care about.
I wanted to know if this devotion worth it for a tank melee character. I don’t really know if physical damages are the most dangerous thing I should care about.
Physical damage is the most dangerous because the resist is found on so few items and skills.
About the constellation I have no idea.
Physical damage is a huge problem problem in 90% of the fights (Anesteria and Aetherial Nemesis being the notable exceptions).
However, Stone Form (and the same applies to Shield Wall from Targo) is usually redundant because character that use shields usually have enough armor and damage blocked via items to ignore physical damage altogether. Those chars usually need damage from their constellations instead of more armor.
I’ve never seens anyone using this devotion. It just looks like a bad devotion IMO, since it can be easily “replaced” by a Golemborn Greaves anyway, and reaching for 8 yellow and 15 blue don’t look like it’s worth for a shield build.
As far as melee survivability goes for devotions, you can use Wayward Soul, Giant’s Blood, Tip the Scales, Healing Rain and so on. Shields gives more survivability than you can imagine, don’t worry too much about it!
Generally, most people only go for the first 2-3 nodes in that constellation, and ignore the rest. The +150 armor is insanely valuable. The rest? Not so much…
On my self-found gear grenado commando I took Shield Wall with Behemot and Shieldmaiden. I did that because I felt a bit squeeshy on big bosses. Some heroes managed to make dangerously drop my healthbar too.
But yea, focusing on offensive constellations is also something I highly consider.
Golemborn Greaves give 300 armour, Stone Form gives +50% amour, armour absorb which is kinda worthless since you are already at 100% if you went heavy defense with shield, and a 50% reduction on poison and bleed. So it is far from the same thing.
With Golemborn Greaves and Stone Form you can easily go over 4K armour which practicaly means not even bosses can deal physical damage to you anymore, so I would not call it worthless. If the actual proc rate was higher it would be great. As it stands right now it is probably not your best option, but definately not a bad one. All the constellation is pretty solid in my eyes, I just wish the proc rate was a bit higher.