Hey all,
This has become a progression log to get ideas and share where it’s going.
The idea is `zero to hero’ or basically, you start from scratch, you use what you find, and see if the build concept will hold up without a bunch of ideal gear, etc. The whole game should be doable at least through Elite. The goal is to make it through Ultimate without some serious problems and get all points/devotions along the way.
Tank to survive, so hard core friendly.
Storm Totems & Maelstrom to apply lightning damage.
Pretty simple and straight forward setup. But again, the goal being to start from scratch with nothing and just go all the way. Hence, zero to hero.
I’m thinking of trying out a Shaman with a focus on the Storm Totem and the rest focusing on Survivability.
Was wondering if anyone had something similar in Ultimate and working well. It doesn’t have to be super fast clearing. But at least deals with it all. Of course, we’re talking about current state of patch and DLC, etc, for context.
I don’t have top gear for this yet, so I don’t have anything specific in mind. I know that it can completely change how the devotions and which skills are used depending on resistances and everything. There are some potent %lighting damage devotions (spear of heavens; tempest; blind sage). But, that’s late game to get to spear of heavens or blind sage, and I can get 100%+ gear for lightning damage early in the game, like I have now. So I can probably go with the resistances and survival devotions at first, to support survival, and then as gear comes up and the resistances come up (gear, components, augments), then I can take back the devotions and move to damage devotions and see about redoing some survival skills maybe.
Or, I can convert to vitality damage and see what devotions work there that are earlier. ** Update, skipping vitality build, that’s really a totally different way to go for a build. **
Playing around with ideas, here’s some current ideas:
3/4 into Physique
1/4 into Spirit (for gear) (approx; basically 400ish spirit towards the end as a goal to be able to use most things you’d want, which is mainly jewelry).
50 into Shaman mastery
1/12 Mog’s Pact, 10/10 Heart of Wild
12/12 Vines, 12/12 Entangling (** Update, dropped Entangling )
12/12 Wendigo, 12/12 Blood Pact ( Update, dropped Blood Pact )
16/16 Storm Totem
12/12 Maelstrom ( Update, added )
12/12 Stormcaller Pact ( Update, added **)
Devotions applied to these mostly (Vines & Totem)
40 points (potentially) Soldier Mastery
16/16 Menhir’s Will
10/10 Military Coniditiong
10/10 Shield Mastery
12/12 Overguard
1/12 Field Command, 12/12 Squad Tactics (** Update, 12/12 Field Command, no Tactics perhaps **)
Will go from there to see what we can do after that (between Decorated Soldier, Battle Scars, Warcry, etc).
Currently leveling as a Shaman. Max Briarthorn, Max Storm Totem, Max Vines. Tsunami devotion on Vines (triggers all the time at 35% it seems). The vines melt everything themselves with Tsunami so far, and the Storm Totem pops the rest (will have Tempest on Storm Totem soon). Briarthorn tanks and deals some decent damage. This is normal veteran though so far. I will progress to Elite around 45~50. The plan is to re-spec as needed.
** Update, Briarthorn and vines took me to level 40 no problem basically without even worrying about other skills, with Tsunami devotion on Vines for most proc chance. Wendigo just seals the survival deal.
Very best,
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