Stormcallers pact vs menhirs bulwark ?

I already asked but got no replies. I can’t decide whats best for a lightning retaliation build out of these 2. I was going to go for menhirs but the dawnbreaker set gives a lot of + to stormcallers so I’m not sure…

Help please :slight_smile:

If you’re looking for even more Lightning damage, Stormcaller all the way.

Edit: What Ceno said… I forgot Stormcaller’s Pact don’t add retaliation damage and that is what you’re looking for :eek:

Stormcaller’s Pact will give you 0 retaliation damage and no defenses. Menhir’s.

Haha good to know, thanks guys. That would have been annoying leveling to max only to start all over again.